US suspending military training programs for Pakistan is appreciable. BNM

Baloch National Movement's Central spokesperson in his statement welcomed the initiatives taken by US President Donald Trump on freezing funds for trainings of Pakistani military officers. He called this initiative

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BNM holds a conference on 11th August the Balochistan Independence Day

Baloch National Movement Central spokesperson in his statement says that BNM will hold a conference in the ocussion of the 11th August 2018 in German city of Frankfurt Order. The

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BNM issues monthly report of July 2018

Baloch National Movement issued the monthly report of July 2018. The report reveals that 87 military operations and raids were carried out by Pakistani security forces; 109 people were enforced

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Army forces people to cast vote. This is insult to the democratic norms. Khalil Baloch

Baloch National Movement’s Chairman Khalil Baloch expressed his view point regarding the so called 25th July 2018 election in Balochistan. He said, election is a democratic process that is dependent

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We condemn the army raid on houses of Qambar and his relatives. BNM

Baloch National Movement’s Central spokesman condemned the army raid on Baloch prominent leader Wahid Qamber’s and his relative’s houses. The security forces raided and took all valuables from the houses.

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بلوچ قوم اور قومی تحریک پر قبائلیت کے اثراتتحریر: رحیم بلوچ ایڈوکیٹ

بلوچ قوم اور قومی تحریک پر قبائلیت کے اثرات تحریر: رحیم بلوچ ایڈووکیٹ قبائلیت معاشرتی ارتقا کا کوئی ایسا مرحلہ یا سماجی نظام نہیں ہے کہ جس سے صرف بلوچ

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Slogan for election and development are intrigues to strengthen the slavery of the nation. BNM

Baloch National Movement Central Spokesman said the so-called elections are approaching, and with every passing day Pakistan’s atrocities on Baloch nation is exacerbating. Hundreds of people are going missing on

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