BNM Germany VP Safia Baloch at Kurdish Women’s Festival: Championing Baloch Women’s Struggle

885 points


Event Attendance: BNM Germany Chapter Vice President, Safia Baloch, attended the festival of the Kurdish Women’s Association in Duisburg, Germany, on June 15, 2024.

Addressing the Audience: In her address, Safia Baloch spoke about the significant role of Baloch women in Baloch socio-political development.

Honoring Leaders: She highlighted the contributions of key Baloch women leaders in the Balochistan Movement, mentioning Shaheed Baunk Karima, Dr. Mahrang Baloch, and Sammi Deen Baloch, who are at the forefront of the struggle against Baloch genocide.

Media Engagement: Safia Baloch gave interviews to several Kurdish television channels, discussing the Baloch struggle.


BNM Germany

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