Baloch National Movement Protest in Busan Against Gwadar Fencing

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The Baloch National Movement (BNM) staged a protest in Busan to oppose the construction of a fence around Gwadar city. The protestors condemned the fencing as a violation of human rights and contrary to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. They called for an immediate halt to the project and urged support for the citizens of Gwadar.

The Baloch National Movement (BNM) staged a protest in Busan to oppose the construction of a fence around Gwadar city. The protestors condemned the fencing as a violation of human rights and contrary to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. They called for an immediate halt to the project and urged support for the citizens of Gwadar.

Highlights of the Demonstration:

  • Hundreds of pamphlets were distributed.
  • Slogans were raised.
  • Senior BNM Member Agha Faiz delivered a powerful speech.


BNM South Korea

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