BNM Germany Protests: Remembering the 1998 Chaghai Nuclear Test and Its Lasting Impact on Balochistan

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On that fateful day in 1998, Pakistan’s nuclear detonation rocked Chaghai, Balochistan, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

In Göttingen, Germany, the Baloch National Movement mobilized in a protest against Pakistan’s nuclear tests in Balochistan. Marked as a Black Day by the people of Balochistan, 28 May serves as a grim reminder of the cataclysmic event in 1998. The repercussions were dire: pervasive nuclear radiation inflicted chronic diseases upon the Baloch populace. Tragically, a generation bore the brunt, with children born with disabilities and a surge in afflictions like cancer and skin disorders plaguing the region.

Key Highlights:

  • Protesters held placards in their hands.
  • Models of Pakistani nuclear missiles were displayed to draw attention to the issue.
  • Balach Baloch performed the Baloch national anthem on the banjo.
  • Speeches were given by Sharhasan, Safia Manzoor, Abdul Jabbar, Shali, Asghar, Sammu, Asif, Shari Dad, and Balach.

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BNM Germany

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