BNM Spokesperson Calls for Unity and International Intervention to Prevent Bloodshed from Azm-e-Istehkam Operation

BNM spokesperson called on neighboring countries to take a clear stand against Pakistan's actions, rather than remain silent spectators.

Qazi Rehan
Qazi Rehan
4 Min Read

The Baloch National Movement (BNM) has raised alarm over Pakistan’s ‘Azm-e-Istehkam Operation,’ warning that it will escalate violence, including forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings, in Balochistan and Pakhtunkhwa. To prevent this anticipated bloodshed, the BNM urges unity among oppressed nations and intervention from neighboring and global powers.

According to a BNM spokesperson, Pakistan is a failing state where the military continues experiments to maintain control. These actions, he said, are merely failed attempts to prolong military exploitation and occupation, which will inevitably result in more deaths, human rights abuses, and severe crimes such as enforced disappearances.

The spokesperson highlighted that since the occupation of Balochistan, the Pakistan army has relentlessly fought the Baloch nation, utilizing all state resources and power. He recalled the nuclear explosions conducted at Chagai in Balochistan on May 28, 1998, which caused widespread radiation effects. Continuous military raids have displaced residents of numerous villages along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) route. Thousands of people from Dera Bugti, Kohlu, and Kahan are living as refugees both within and outside Balochistan. Even drones are being used against the Baloch, who are not safe from Pakistan’s aggression, even beyond international borders. The ‘Azm-e-Istehkam’ operation, he warned, will only lead to further destruction and displacement of the Baloch nation.

The spokesperson accused the Pakistani state of attempting to seize Balochistan’s coast and resources by altering its demographic composition. He pointed out that state aggression against the Baloch nation intensifies whenever the People’s Party comes to power. Still, Asif Zardari was the first to issue a statement supporting military aggression in Balochistan. Despite the tragic ends of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto, the Bhutto party continues to support military actions, which is shameful for a political party.

Emphasizing unity and solidarity among oppressed nations and nationalist political parties, the BNM spokesperson urged Baloch and Pashtun nationalist and patriotic forces to set aside minor differences and unite against their common enemy. He stressed the need for a broad political coalition, agreeing on national interests and fostering harmony among political cadres in formulating and promoting a national narrative. He called for creating an environment conducive to unity without imposing conditions on one another.

The spokesperson expressed concerns that under the new policy, Pakistan would tighten its grip on Baloch refugees in neighboring countries. Pakistan might shift its problems and failures onto neighboring countries to exert pressure, as its military power has failed against Baloch resistance, and China, the main investor in CPEC, is disappointed with Pakistan’s security measures. The spokesperson warned that this could be an attempt to appease China, which would have far-reaching negative consequences for the region.

Concluding his remarks, the BNM spokesperson called on neighboring countries to take a clear stand against Pakistan’s actions, rather than remain silent spectators. He urged these countries to engage in diplomacy to hold Pakistan accountable at the global level, thereby preventing the Pakistan army from committing further crimes against humanity. The peace of Balochistan and Pakhtunkhwa, he said, is essential for regional stability and prosperity, achievable only when oppressed nations regain ownership of their lands. Pakistan is suffering from its failed policies and seeks foreign aid by burdening its neighbors to sustain the crumbling state for a few more days, enabling its military elite and facilitating politicians to continue their exploitation.

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Spokesperson of BNM. Qazi Dad Mohammad Rehan is the Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM. He also served in this position from 2008 to 2009 as the youngest cabinet member in Party History. And founded the party's printing organization Zrumbesh Publications. Founded and served as Director of Zrumbush Broadcasting Corporation in 2015. Re-elected Information Secretary in the April 2022 session.