Baloch Martyrs Day: BNM held protests and references

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Baloch National Movement held demonstrations, rallies and references in Balochistan and different parts of the world to pay tributes to the martyrs of Balochistan in 13th November at the occasion of Yom-e- Shuhda. BNM and BSO-Azad held a joint demonstration and rally in South Korean city Busan. Protesters in rally chanted slogan against the atrocities of Pakistani forces in occupied Balochistan; they were holding placard and banners in their hands with the photos of Baloch martyrs. The organizers of the rally also distributed pamphlets to the people which highlighted the enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, genocide of Baloch nation by the Pakistan forces. The pamphlets also contained details about the promotion of religious extremism and terrorism by Pakistan.

BNM also held a reference in UK city of London. Graham Williamson, a local councilor and chairman of Nations without States, Doris Jones of Sabah Sarawak Union, Hammal Haider, the foreign spokesman of BNM, Dr. Lakho Lohana, the leader of World Sindhi Congress, Qambar Baloch, a writer and former chairperson of BSYA, human right activist Noor-e-Maryam, Aziz Mengal, the senior member of BSO-Azad, human right activist Mehnaz Baloch, human right activist Rahim Bandhoi, Ismail Ameeri, the leader of Baloch Raaji Zarumbish and Hakeem Baloch, the organizer of BNM UK-Zone addressed the event . The speakers paid tributes to the all martyrs of Blochistan who had laid their lives for the libration of Balochistan form colonial era of Great Britain till date under occupation of Pakistan. The participants also cautioned that the world politics have changed drastically. Therefore it is high time for the Baloch leaders and political parties to redraw their policies. The time has arrived that they must forgive their differences of the past and move towards a single platform. In this regard the spokesman of BNM said that Baloch migrated to the Europe and other parts of the world due to the relentless atrocities of Pakistani army and its other security forces. But organizing of such events at the occasion of 13th November is observed in different parts of the world is the clear indication Baloch youth committed to their cause, and they would not deviate from the Baloch national struggle for a Free Balochistan.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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