Pakistan is using the policy of collective punishment. BNM

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Baloch National Movement Central spokesman condemned the murder of Master Noor Ahmed, and said, “we have been expressing our reservations about the issue of collective punishment for several time, and currently, Pakistan brought intensity in It. Albeit, media and human rights organizations, as usual, are silent.”

He told that the mutilated body of Noor Ahmed, the maternal uncle of BSO-AZAD’s chairperson Banuk Karima Baloch, was recovered on 2nd December. He was abducted by paramilitary force Frontier Corps (FC) at a check post on 28 July 2016 that was witnessed by several travelers, when he was traveling to a carrier van.

Spokesman said, this is not the first case, before this the relatives of Baloch leaders and workers were being targeted by Pakistani forces. He added the only fault of Noor Ahmed was that he was uncle of BSO-AZAD’s chairperson Banuk Karima Baloch; and his martyrdom is a link of the continued policy of collective punishment.

Center spokesman said that the abduction of Noor Ahmed had already been reported to media and human rights organizations. There are hundreds of incidents where people were abducted at daylight. These cases of abduction were reported to media, but later on, they were martyred in fake encounters and their mutilated bodies were thrown in inhabited and desolated areas. Despite the available fact with human rights organizations, they lapsed in taking notice of these crimes. This shows they are avoiding performing their responsibilities and holding a biased attitude towards Baloch people.

The spokesman stated that before working on collective punishment, Pakistani forces targeted Baloch educationists and teachers. This was a systematic plan to terrorize them; they supposed to abandon educating about Baloch struggle. Similarly, Shaheed Noor Ahmed was a teacher who was associated with education for years.

He claimed, Pakistan’s security forces have killed educationists and teachers, among them Prof Saba Dashtyari, Zahid Askani, Ustaad Ali Jan, Prof Abdul Razzaq, Master Safar Khan and several others.

The spokesman opined Pakistan is facing failure before Baloch national struggle; in retaliation and utter state of frustration, it is targeting and killing the relatives of Baloch leaders and workers. In last two and half months Pakistani security forces abducted women and children to devitalize the spirit of the leaders and activists. In this context, the security forces abducted Dr Allah Nazar wife, his four years old daughter, the sister of Aslam Baloch and other women from Quetta. They were released four days later, after physical and mental torture. Henceforth, women and children were abducted form Mashkay and Raghai, among abductees two were sisters of Dr Allah Nazar.

Afore time, Sindh Ranger and intelligence agencies picked up 9 years old Aftab, 12 years old Ulfat and other students, their whereabouts are still unknown.

The spokesman asserted that Pakistan had embarked on an unending tale of atrocities from the beginning of the century. However, Baloch nation is resisting this occupation and barbarities from the day first. In viewing its defeat Pakistan turned on to atrocities and inhuman practices. Initially activists were detained, and released after months of torture; then Pakistan entered upon the “Kill and Dump” policy, death squads were formed, meantime it staged the drama of fake encounters. At the moment, Pakistan is using the policy of collective punishment to target and kill the relatives, neighbors and sympathizers of political workers and activists.

The Central spokesman remarked, “We assert Pakistan is suffering a psychological defeat and as a result, it transformed into a monstrous beast. Following its bestial policies Pakistan is carrying a new phase of operations across Balochistan, in which several civilians are killed and disappeared by Pakistani security forces.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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