11 Aug: Berlin Conference: “China’s OBOR Initiative, its adverse impacts on Balochistan and

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Baloch National Movement (BNM) will hold an international conference on the Chinese intervention in Balochistan and in the region, on August 11, 2017 in Berlin, the capital city of Germany.

The title of the conference will be “China’s One Belt One Road Initiative, its adverse impacts on Balochistan and the region”.

BNM central spokesperson said, the aim of the conference is to discuss on China’s imperialistic agendas, it’s growing intervention in occupied Balochistan and its impacts in the region.

Its also aimed to highlight China’s imperialist agenda “China’s one belt one road” adverse impacts, to the world.

Foreign intellectuals, writers, columnists, journalists and members of human rights organizations from different countries will participate and read their articles in the conference.

The central spokesperson said, after the agreement of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its announcement, bloody military operations extremely accelerated in Balochistan, and still ongoing.

All the villages and cities close to the CPEC route are deserted due to intense Pakistan army ground and aerial military operations. Thousands of families were forced to leave their homes and migrate in different areas of Sindh and Balochistan, living a helpless and miserable life of refugees.

Thousands have been abducted and many have been killed by Pakistan army. Gwadar and its surrounding areas, Dasht, Bal Negwar, Gomazi, including other areas are continuously facing Pakistan army barbarism

In the same way, Shahrak, Shapuk, Hoshab, Tijaban, Baalgatar, Paroom, Awaran, Washuk and Kharan’s few areas being linked to CPEC route have been turned to military cantonments. A large number of military check-posts have been built up in these areas and thousands of military personnels deployed, and because of their atrocities more than 300,000 locals inhabitants were forced to evacuate.

BNM spokesperson further said, on 12 August 2017, in Germany, members of BNM all over world will hold a gathering as an international meeting. All the members and observers will participate and discuss Baloch issue, review new policies and plan new strategies.

BNM central spokesperson appealed to all the organizations, intellectuals, columnists, journalists, members of human rights organizations and all the people of all walk of life to participate Berlin conference.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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