Commemorative of Martyrs of Murgaap: The strength of the current movement is due to the vision of Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad – Dil Murad Baloch

Waja Ghulam Muhammad tried to give national institutions to the Baloch nation.

BNM Kech
BNM Kech
4 Min Read

Turbat: Secretary General of Baloch National Movement Dil Murad Baloch while addressing the reference held in memory of Martyrs of Murgaap, said that the Pakistani state thought the Baloch movement would be weak after the martyrdom of Baloch leaders but this was its mistake. The Baloch movement continued to progress even after the martyrdom of the martyrs and BNM also increased its political activities compared to the past.

He said this while addressing a meeting organised by BNM Keech zone in memory of Margaap Martyrs.

BNM Secretary General Dil Murad was the special guest at this meeting.At the beginning of the meeting, homage was paid to the Margaap martyrs. Chedag Baloch gave information about the tragedy of Murgaap.

In his address, Dil Murad said that the Shaheed chairman and his colleagues were role models. The strength of the current Baloch movement and party is due to the efforts and vision of Shaheed Waja Ghulam Muhammad.

He said Chairman Ghulam Muhammad always worked on BNM institutions and strengthened BNM institutions. If we look at national history, it is seen that national decisions were being made individually at that time. Personal interests suppress national interests, but national institutions make national decisions and protect their national interests. Waja Ghulam Muhammad tried to give national institutions to the Baloch nation.

In response to the members’ questions, Dil Murad Baloch said that The Pakistani state had adopted a zero-tolerance policy for BNM and other pro-independence parties. Now it has come to the point that the women and children of Baloch are being harmed. But the state should understand that the Baloch have chosen their path and follow the path shown by Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad. That day is pretty close when Baloch will see the day of independence.

When asked about Unity, he said, as Chairman Khalil said, “Unity is considered a gift to the Baloch nation in the 21st century.” BNM is still striving for unity and cooperation with pro-independence parties. The coming day will clarify how far we find success or failure in this.

Shali, the coordinator of Shaheed Suliman cell Turbat from Reference, started her speech with the history of the current movement and discussed the ups and downs of the Baloch movement.

She said that the continuity of the movement is established. The state adopted various policies to stop the movement started under the leadership of Chairman Ghulam Muhammad, Waja Khairbakhsh Marri and Shaheed Akbar Khan Bugti.

Still, the national voice could not be suppressed.Despite the state’s oppression, the stability of BNM shows that Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad and his friends are not there, but their thoughts and ideas are alive and present in the minds of every activist. Strong BNM is the gift of Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad and his ideological associates.

Shali added that it is a truth that no one can replace martyred leaders. Martyrs’ testimonies are a significant loss for the movement, but their path guides us.

Dil Murad Baloch answered the members’ questions at the end of the reference.

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