BNM Germany protest against rise in enforced disappearances.

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Baloch National Movement Germany Chapter organized a demonstration on 9th July against continuous harassment and hike in the enforced disappearances of Baloch students in Balochistan and from different universities of Pakistan by law enforcement agencies.

In the event, the demonstrators were holding the placards and banners of missing Baloch students.

Speaking to the participants, Asghar Ali the president of BNM Germany Chapter said: “the abduction of Baloch students is not a new phenomenon. Pakistani spy agencies have been targeting Baloch students for years. Zakir Majeed was abducted in 2009. In 2014 Frontier Corps (FC) abducted Chairman Zahid Baloch in broad daylight. Shabir Baloch was abducted in 2016. The list is so long. However, the new wave of enforced disappearances of Baloch students is a cause of great concern, where only within three months more than 50 students have become the victim of enforced disappearances.”

He added: “Baloch people have landed into a catastrophic situation, but this is not a natural catastrophe, rather it is created by the state of Pakistan where the people of Balochistan are enduring inexplicable hardships in the hands of Pakistan.

Today the entire world is celebrating Eid but due to Pakistani authorities our people are forced to come out in the streets, not only in Balochistan but here in Germany to protest for the safe recovery of our loved ones.”

Baloch National Movement member Ahmed Baloch said that due to racial profiling of Baloch students in different universities of Pakistan, the parents are reluctant and afraid to send their children for education because they could be abducted or killed by Pakistani forces.

Badal Baloch said that let be united against Pakistani atrocities and expose it to the world that how Pakistan has been committing gross human rights violation in Balochistan.

Banuk Salma said that the enforced disappearances of Baloch students is a tactics of Pakistan to deny the educational liberty to Baloch students.

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Posted by InfoSecBNM
The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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