BNM South Korea protests against human rights violations in Balochistan.

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The Central spokesperson of Baloch National Movement said that BNM South Korea zone organized a campaign over completion of three years of disappearance of Baloch social media activist Rashid Hussain who was forcibly arrested in UAE and illegally deported to Pakistan.

Protesters chanted slogans demanding safe release of Rashid Hussain and against Pakistani atrocities in Balochistan. Protesters also distributed pamphlets regarding disappearance of Rashid Hussain and thousands of other Baloch people.

The protestors also delivered speeches to highlight the heinous crime of enforced disappearance in Balochistan.

Sam Baloch, the Vice president of BNM South Korea Zone addressed the protesters on three years of

disappearance of Rashid Hussain and thousands of other Baloch by Pakistani forces in Balochistan.

He said, “We all are aware about the rough and violent attitude of Pakistani Army towards Baloch nation. We Baloch activists are arrested and detained for our political activities and raising voice against worst human rights violation by Pakistan.

He also said that Pakistan is not only targeting Baloch activists in Balochistan but also in abroad. Karima Baloch was assassinated in Toronto, Canada by Pakistani spy agency. “This is a new pattern of Baloch genocide by Pakistan in foreign countries.”

Sam Baloch concluded by appealing the international community to take notice of Pakistani war crimes in Balochistan.

Bakhtawar Baloch delivered her speech in Korean language and expressed the same concerns. She said that Rashid Hussain Baloch was a human right activist, but he is in Pakistani torture cells for last three years. His only crime was to speak against Pakistani atrocities in Balochistan and gross human rights violations, committed by Pakistani Army and intelligence agencies.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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