We should represent the sacrifices not superficially and unserious but with a firm political consciousness and civilized manner. Chairman Dr. Naseem Baloch

We must use our energies thoughtfully as a responsible party.

Dr. Naseem Baloch
Dr. Naseem Baloch
8 Min Read

The third meeting of the Central Committee of the Baloch National Movement was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Naseem Baloch, in which all members of the Cabinet and CC participated.

The agenda included the address of the party chairman, disciplinary action for violation of discipline, discussion on the regional and international political situation, the importance of social media and our policy, criticism, party affairs, and future action plans, which were discussed in detail by all the members. Discussions were held, and important decisions were made.

Addressing the central committee meeting, the chairman stated in the central committee meeting that it is the party’s most authoritative and decision-making entity, second only to the National Council session. At this institution, we delve into topics that cannot be discussed in ordinary settings. After discussion, the decisions made become party policy. All leaders and workers must adhere to this collective policy. Here, members engage in conversations, debates, and policy formulation that align with current movement needs and party programs. The policies and strategies we put in place today shape the way we work in the future.

He said the party devised new procedures during last year’s session. Multiple institutions have been established to enhance the performance of different party sectors, all of which are operating effectively. Focusing on our tasks and responsibilities allows us to avoid getting involved in irrelevant and superfluous conversations. When they get distracted from their tasks, they waste precious energy discussing irrelevant matters that can result in loose conduct and harm the party’s standing. So, all workers, cadre, and leadership should focus on their performance.

He remarked that the situation of Balochistan is plagued with relentless oppression and repression, the situation only worsening with time. Even the Baloch people are not safe in educational institutions in Punjab. They are currently experiencing the most severe form of genocide and collective punishment in their entire history. PAANK and Zrumbish are playing a significant role in shedding light on this oppression. Additionally, colleagues are displaying improved performance in the field of diplomacy.

He said a multilateral strategy is currently being implemented to suppress the Baloch nationalist movement. The enemy is trying to contaminate the clear ideology of Baloch nationalism and Baloch national values with continuous propaganda and their own imported ideas because the ideology of Baloch nationalism has unified the Baloch nation. Pakistan has been making efforts in this regard both in the past and present, with a swifter pace now. Pakistan plans to impose its own version of Islam in Balochistan as part of a broader strategy to counter the Baloch national movement. By using religion, the plan easily manipulates emotions and aims to discredit the movement.

The chairman said Baloch nationalism is so vigorous and powerful that this ideology has rejected all the imported ideas of Pakistan and the Pakistani version of religion. Baloch hates people who are being used for Pakistani purposes. A horrifying example of this occurred when a Sri Lankan was accused of blasphemy in Punjab. The crowd, behaving no better than animals, resorted to a brutal method and set the individual on fire, resulting in their tragic death. When Shaheed Abdul Rauf faced similar allegations in Balochistan, the Baloch nation did not react. When a group of Pakistani mullahs assassinated Abdul Rauf, the people responded with widespread protests, demonstrating that there is no acceptance of the religion and ideologies enforced by Pakistan. Instead, the Baloch people remain steadfast in their commitment to their national values and the authentic principles of Islam. We should not be satisfied with this because Pakistan is constantly trying. To combat this issue, we must urgently spread revolutionary concepts of nationalism and freedom to our population. This requires a swift and dedicated effort to educate and inform our people.

He stated that the Baloch movement has faced numerous challenges regarding the political scenario over the years. However, it has been firmly organized and disciplined over the last two decades, constantly advancing towards its goal. Today, Pakistan is currently facing instability as its internal contradictions become more apparent. Pakistan is currently facing a multi-faceted crisis, encompassing political, economic, judicial, and constitutional spheres. Along with this, the army in Pakistan is facing internal divisions as factions vie for control through various political parties.The current chaos in Pakistan indicates a directionless state, which is providing opportunities for the oppressed, including the Baloch. Now it is up to us how we take advantage of these situations.

He said that Pakistan has failed to crush the Baloch national movement. Therefore, for the last twenty years, the enemy has been adopting different methods and strategies one after the other. The enemy’s strategies to thwart the Baloch national movement and undermine their quest for independence have failed repeatedly. When the enemy is forced to change strategy repeatedly, it indicates that a strategy is not working and the Baloch nation is in a better position. The role of political parties and organizations in the history and liberation movement of the Baloch people, as well as their invaluable sacrifices, have positioned us better.

Chairman Dr. Naseem Baloch said social media is the only means of communication available to the Baloch nation. Social media has various benefits, however, misusing it can lead to several drawbacks. In the recent past, negative use of social media has been experienced, however, there is now a new wave of such behavior emerging. We have informed the responsible persons, organizations, and stakeholders about our concerns. It is not only other organizations that we expect to utilize social media positively but we also have a responsibility to promote positive use of social media.

We must use our energies thoughtfully as a responsible party. Our cause is great and we face a formidable enemy. When the goal is great, achieving it requires political maturity, conscientiousness and tireless efforts to promote positive ideas. Thousands of people are sacrificing themselves for this great cause, suffering in prisons, so we should represent these sacrifices not superficially and unseriously but with full political consciousness and a civilized manner. All the parties associated with the movement should realize that only with political maturity, conscious parenting, and civilized style of speech we can fight our national cause in front of the world.

Important decisions were taken in the central committee meeting, which will be communicated to the workers through circulars.

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Dr. Naseem Baloch is the chairman of BNM. He joined the national movement during his student days. Due to his dynamic character, he was also forced to disappear by the Pakistani army. He played a crucial role in organizing BNM in the Diaspora. Before being elected Chairman, He was the organizer of the BNM Diaspora Committee.