Poster » Malik Naz Baloch: A Symbol of Baloch Resistance and Unity

Her martyrdom sparked a wave of solidarity and unity among the nation.

Qazi Rehan

Malik Naz Baloch’s brave resistance against state-backed gunmen inspired the Baloch nation to stand up against state oppression and violence. Her martyrdom sparked a wave of solidarity and unity among the Baloch people from Jimuri to Kho-e-Siliaman and in Sindh. It was a historic moment in Baloch’s history when a housewife’s courage and sacrifice contributed to political awakening in Balochistan.

BNM honors the memory and struggle of Malik Naz and observes #BramshDay as a day of national awareness and unity.

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Spokesperson of BNM. Qazi Dad Mohammad Rehan is the Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM. He also served in this position from 2008 to 2009 as the youngest cabinet member in Party History. And founded the party's printing organization Zrumbesh Publications. Founded and served as Director of Zrumbush Broadcasting Corporation in 2015. Re-elected Information Secretary in the April 2022 session.