Commemorative of Martyrs of Murgaap in Mashkai: Shaheed Waja Ghulam Muhammad is still leading the nation

Today the Baloch nation is moving towards the destination with the vision given by Ghulam Muhammad.

BNM Mashkai

Mashkai: An online program was organised by BNM Mashkay zone under the Presidency of zonal organiser Kambar Baloch on the central call of the Baloch National Movement in memory of the Murgaap Martyrs.

Apart from the zone members, Central Senior Vice Chairman Dr Jalal Baloch, Junior Vice Chairman Ustad Babul Latif, Sarbaz Wafa, Editor of Radio Zrumbesh Balochi and Publisher of Radio Zrumbesh Brahui, Zubair Baloch also participated in this program.

On this occasion, Dr Jalal Baloch, Babul Latif, zonal deputy Organiser Zohra Baloch, Sarbaz Wafa, Zubair Baloch and BNM member Yasir Baloch paid tribute to the martyrs of Murgaap. It said: “Today, the Baloch Movement is running successfully in the world despite the state’s oppression, thanks to our leaders’ day and night efforts and sacrifices.”

“The Baloch nation was once a follower of the ideas of Marx and Lenin. But when the trends of the world changed, each nation made a policy according to its interests. Similarly, the Baloch nation also established institutions for the development and independence of the nation, considering its national interests.,” speakers said.

” BNM was created based on these national aspirations.,” they added.

They said: “Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad gave the Baloch nation an organisation like BNM. This organisation is the institution of Baloch. BNM will create leadership for the Baloch nation. If our leaders are martyred, someone else will replace them, but the movement will not stop. The Baloch national leaders did not have a clear vision in the past, so the Baloch freedom struggle was not fast and intense.”

“The problem of the Baloch nation did not reach the world, but the independence movement was suppressed quickly,” they said.

“If the movement has completed twenty years today, despite the oppression of the Pakistani army, it is moving towards the destination; this is because Baloch has a clear vision given by Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad and his companions. Enemy and his parliamentary friends have made various conspiracies against Waja Ghulam Muhammad, that Ghulam Muhammad is a functionary of the state or that he has settled matters with the State, but Waja rejected these conspiracies.”

They Said: ” He was ready to make all kinds of hardships and sacrifices for Baloch national independence, prosperity and freedom for the coming generation of Baloch nation. That is why Ghulam Muhammad is immortalised in history and still leads the Baloch nation because Waja is an ideology, and ideologies never end. Today the Baloch nation is moving towards the destination with the vision given by Ghulam Muhammad.”

The speakers said: “We can strengthen our organisation and institutions by giving them time. Apart from keeping references in the martyrs’ memory, organise your organisation’s programs regularly. Review and reflect on your past weaknesses in organisational meetings. Be able to formulate policies and make suggestions for future actions. If we can maintain our work with stability, we will be able to give our nation a prosperous future. And we can fulfil the aspirations of our national martyrs.”

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Reports on the activities of the BNM Mashkai Zone.