BNM UK Chapter protest Pakistan’s nuclear tests’ harmful effects in occupied Balochistan

They also carried out an awareness campaign during the demonstration.


London: The Baloch National Movement UK organized a demonstration at Trafalgar Square to protest against Pakistan’s nuclear bomb tests conducted on May 28, 1998, in Baluchistan’s Chagai area. They also carried out an awareness campaign during the demonstration.

In addition to the members and leaders of BNM, central leaders from the World Sindhi Congress, Lakho Lohana, and Hidayat Bhutto, and the Baloch Raji Zrumbesh (BRZ) leader Abdullah Baloch joined the demonstration.

The protestors carried banners and placards with slogans and information about the impact of Pakistan’s nuclear tests on Balochistan. They also distributed a pamphlet titled “Destructive Continuation of Pakistan’s nuclear tests and its Effects on the People of Balochistan.” The pamphlet contained information about the effects of nuclear explosions on the region’s people and other living beings and Pakistan’s intentions.

The leaders of parliamentary parties who supported nuclear blasts continue to deceive the Baloch nation.

Hasan Dost Baloch

BNM’s Hasan Dost Baloch, Junior Joint Secretary, spoke at the protest to bring attention to the fact that Baloch people had suffered from blood cancer and other skin diseases since the nuclear explosions in Balochistan on May 28, 1998. As a result, the Baloch nation lost a young man every four days. Pakistan chose Baloch land for nuclear blasts because it knew that Balochistan was an occupied territory, and its people had no relation with Pakistan. Without caring for them, Pakistan used nuclear explosions in Balochistan as a weapon of genocide.

He criticized the political parties that tried to get Baloch national rights through the Pakistani Parliament, stating that it was insulting that the leaders of the political parties who supported the nuclear explosions were still deceiving the Baloch nation today. Parliamentary politics was not a means to achieve Baloch rights, Baloch nation started the independence movement and relied on liberation from Pakistan’s occupation and atrocities to survive.

World knew the effects of nuclear tests on any region.

Lakho Lohana

The World Sindhi Congress’ leader, Lakho Lohana, said that Pakistan had committed a crime against the Baloch and humanity by conducting nuclear weapons tests against the will and intention of the Baloch nation.

He stated that after the nuclear explosions, Pakistan did not try to survey the region to determine the impact of the nuclear tests, despite international laws requiring periodic monitoring post-nuclear tests. Pakistan had not even looked back in this regard because it did not consider Baloch human beings. The effects of nuclear tests on any area are well known; similarly, Balochistan’s environment covering thousands of kilometres had been severely impacted by the nuclear tests, making the area uninhabitable. Pakistan’s atomic bombs were in the hands of the army, and despite its economic weakness, Pakistan was rapidly increasing the number of its nuclear assets. The world should consider that Pakistan’s aggressive ambitions would affect Baloch and Sindhis first before impacting the rest of the world.

Pakistan’s nuclear assets threaten the entire world and the region, including Balochistan, due to their adverse effects on the environment and living things.

Niaz Baloch

A central committee member of BNM Niaz Baloch stated that any extremist force could seize power in Pakistan and use these weapons against anyone, including the Western world, making them a danger to the human race.

The people of powerful and responsible countries also want a ban on nuclear weapons, even though a weak country like Pakistan has these weapons.

Manzoor Baloch

BNM UK President Manzoor Baloch added that Pakistan, a weak and unstable country, should not have control over nuclear weapons.

Pakistan celebrated the explosions that led to the destruction of Baloch people by naming this day Takbeer Day.

Jasim Baloch

BNM UK member Jasim Baloch stated that the explosions caused thousands of people to suffer from deadly diseases and forced many to migrate, affecting the Baloch people negatively.

Pakistan’s nuclear tests in Balochistan were a well-thought-out plan for genocide.

Mahganj Baloch

Mahganj Baloch regarded Pakistan’s nuclear tests as a well-thought-out plan for the Baloch genocide. The world powers should take these weapons from the Pakistani government and destroy them to save the world from destruction.

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Reports on the activities of the BNM United Kingdom Chapter.
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