Spokesperson BNM: Comrade Gulab Baloch’s legacy of national and academic contributions will always be cherished

Comrade Gulab joined the BNM in 2007, which aligned perfectly with his nationalist and progressive ideals.

Qazi Rehan
Qazi Rehan
4 Min Read

Shaal: The spokesman for the Baloch National Movement has shared his heartfelt condolences upon hearing the news of Comrade Gulab Baloch’s untimely passing. He stated that the Baloch nation has lost a valuable and gifted member and that Comrade Gulab Baloch’s legacy of national and academic contributions will always be cherished. His contribution to the party and national politics will always remain significant, and he will be remembered fondly by all his comrades in the movement.

The spokesman conveyed that Comrade Gulab Baloch was a devoted revolutionary who had been involved in politics since his student days. While he was born Shazada Gulab, he was known as Comrade Gulab Baloch within political and academic circles. He was born on August 8, 1969, in Karachi, his father’s name was Muhammad Pasund Noori, and his mother’s name was Zainab. Highly educated, he held an MA in Economics and an MA in Political Science. Comrade Gulab Baloch sadly passed away on October 15, 2023. Throughout his life, he wrote numerous articles on Balochistan, the Baloch movement, and Balochistan’s history. He also authored a book titled ‘Baloch National Question, Past, Present and Future.’ Under various pen names, like Sangat Burhan Zhai, he dedicated himself to raising awareness among the Baloch nation through his writing. His contributions will always be remembered by the Baloch nation.

‘Shazada Gulab was a crucial figure in the promotion of Balochi literature and academic pursuits in Karachi. In the 1990s, he founded the literary circle titled ‘Unqa National Arts Circle,’ aimed towards encouraging young individuals to read and write. He demonstrated his progressive and nationalist mindset from his student days. Throughout his time in Karachi, prominent nationalist figures like Lala Lal Bakhsh Rand, Rahim Bakhsh Aazat, and Lala Faqir Muhammad played a vital role in his intellectual and political training. With the emergence of the present-day Baloch National Movement, Comrade Gulab became a close associate of the martyred leader of BNM, Wajah Ghulam Muhammad Baloch, who had made Karachi a hub of his political activities. Until his last breath, Comrade Gulab remained firmly committed to the Baloch National Movement and his close relationship with Shaheed Ghulam Muhammad and the BNM.

The BNM spokesperson said that Comrade Gulab joined the BNM in 2007, which aligned perfectly with his nationalist and progressive ideals. As a passionate advocate for education, Comrade Gulab dedicated himself to educating and training Baloch children on the Party’s platform in Karachi, instilling an acute awareness of their national responsibilities. Recognizing his outstanding contributions, he was elected as a counselor for BNM’s national council in 2008. Comrade Gulab played a pivotal role in expanding BNM’s reach beyond the Old Golimaar area, penetrating even the most deprived parts of the city to raise awareness about Baloch national politics, global affairs, and regional issues. Thanks to the efforts of individuals like Comrade Gulab, BNM successfully unveiled Pakistan’s conspiracies against the Baloch nation—including drug proliferation and the ongoing Baloch genocide in the form of gang wars. Throughout his activism, Comrade Gulab staunchly opposed the spread of drugs, seeking to guide misguided youth toward the path of national development. Today, amidst the Baloch nation’s dire situation, BNM remains steadfast in protecting its national interests and making the national cause fruitful. In this regard, BNM owes immense gratitude to dedicated, selfless workers like Comrade Gulab.

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Posted by Qazi Rehan
Spokesperson of BNM. Qazi Dad Mohammad Rehan is the Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM. He also served in this position from 2008 to 2009 as the youngest cabinet member in Party History. And founded the party's printing organization Zrumbesh Publications. Founded and served as Director of Zrumbush Broadcasting Corporation in 2015. Re-elected Information Secretary in the April 2022 session.