World must take notice on enforced disappearances and confessional statement by Imran Khan. BNM

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World must take notice on enforced disappearances and confessional statement by Imran Khan. BNM

With regard to the statement of Prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan on the issue of missing persons, Baloch National Movement’s central spokesperson says that Prime Minister of Pakistan accepted that thousands of missing Baloch are in detention of Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies. So far this is the biggest confessional statement by any Pakistani official. Earlier interior minister, and Home Secretary of Balochistan and other officials have confessed that security forces are involved in the abduction of missing persons.

He added: “after confession of Prime Minister of Pakistan, United Nations, other International human rights organizations and the civilized world are bound to take notice of Pakistan’s war crimes [in Balochistan].”

The spokesman stated that every new coming government of Pakistan apologized to the people of Balochistan; hence that come with new conspiracies and atrocities. This is the first incident when the government instead of seeking forgiveness has confessed that he is discussing the issue of Baloch missing persons with Army chief, and he was informed by the army chief that some of missing persons had also been released.

He remarked: “it is crystal clear that army and it’s secret agencies are whisking away and forcefully disappearing the people of Balochistan. By the fact these people are not missing only but they are enduring inhuman torture in illegal detention.”

The spokesman asserted that General Musharraf regime had initiated a blood operation in excuse of development which had been going on after passing a decade. The enforced disappearances of people started during Musharraf era, where people were abducted and kept in torture cells and some of them were released after some months or years, with fake cases in courts. When Pakistan People Party under Asif Zardari formed government in 2008, he begged apology to Baloch nation. Hence, later on following the footsteps of founder of party, Zufikar Ali Bhutto’s policies of 1970s of atrocities in Balochistan with a new form. The policy of kill and dump was started during PPP government. Muslim League government also apologized to Baloch nation and later intensified operations in Balochistan. In all those time Imran Khan pretended to be vocal on issue of missing persons.

The spokesman stated, Imran Khan, the current PM Pakistan in talking with press admitted that he has met Army chief who confirmed that missing persons were under their detention had cases pending against them.

He added, “now question arises under which law they are kept in torture cells; which militate against both Pakistan’s own constitution and international laws.”

BNM central spokesman said, “this statement of Pakistan’s Prime minister, Imran Khan is enough to draw the attention of the world. This statement could save the lives of 40000 Baloch, where thousands of families are displaced. Around 10000 people were killed in military operations, in custody and in fake encounters. This is an all out genocide; where teachers, doctors, writers, artists, engineers and people from other fields of life are being targeted. Though this genocide is an open secret now, hence the statement of Prime minister of Pakistan is an attestation of it; on which United Nations, world powers and International Court of Justice should play their due role. In case they remain silent on it, then would be impossible to gauge the depth and intensity of atrocities.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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