Pakistan army abducts tortures Baloch women as a policy of collective punishment. Dr Murad


Baloch National Movement Secretary General Dr. Murad Baloch said that Pakistan Army is molesting Baloch women. Several women form Panjgoor and Jahoo were arrested, later on shifted to army camps, and they were tortured sexually, physically and mentally. He also informed that destructive military operations are ongoing in Jahoo, Sorgar and Ornach, where several people were arrested and taken into torture cells.

The General Secretary of BNM also spoke about heart wrenching incident of Panjgur, where state sponsored proxy organization, death squad members abducted a Baloch mother with her daughter in Washbod area of district Panjgoor, and took them to army camp. They were severely tortured, and thrown away after three days. And the security forces further pressurized and intimidated the victim family for more severe repercussions in case of failing to call a press conference, and reject the validity of the hapless incident.

Dr. Baloch explains that this was not the first incident of abducting Baloch women in Panjgoor, but military had several times abducted, tortured and sexually abused Baloch women across Balochisatn, but all such incidents went unreported due to intense pressure of military on victim families. As a result of military intimidations, the affected families succumb, hold back and refrain from bringing forth the case into public.

While discussing on Jahoo, Sorgar and Ornach military operation, he stated, military has sealed the areas, they arrested more than twenty persons, and a woman, Gul Nisa and her infant are also among the abductees. The list of the abductees goes as, Gul Nisa Dil shad, Atta Dil Shad, Nazeer Mohammad Hussain, Sheikh Ghamani Dad Mohammad, Deen Mohammad Mir Sulaiman, Umer Shad Dad, Shad Dost Bilbas, Din Mohammad, Hakeem Mohammed Hasni, Lal Bakhsh Mohammed Hasni, Khan Mohammad, Seth Mureed, Jumma Dad Karim, Swaali Atti, Qadiro, Shero Allah Bakhsh, Sadique Nagr, Abdul Khaliqu Nagr, Atta Mohammad Noor, Abdul Haque, Bahraam Houzoor Bakhsh, Mohammad Bando, Jamal Atta Mohammad, Majeed Swaali, Dur Mohammad Allah Dad, PirJan Jan Mohammad, Noor Jan Mohammad, Kassu, Meeran Allah Bakhsh, Noora Mohammad Meerwani, Ali Sher Mohammad Meerwani, Mohammad Naseeb Jumma Meerwani and Lal Bakhsh Mohammedhasni are among the abductees.

Dr Murad Baloch said that Pakistan and its proxies are directly involved in war crimes across Balochistan. The army has provided impunity to its proxies to muddle with the honour and dignity of Baloch families. In fact army and its proxy death squads are committing crimes and atrocities in unison.

Despite of such gross violation of human rights media, civil society and so-called nationalist political parties are silent spectators, by which they are becoming accomplice of Pakistan’s brutalities in Balochistan.

Dr Murad Baloch said that this time Balochistan had become an extended military camp, where human right violation is being committed on daily basis.

Pakistan has adopted the policy of collective punishment where they continue to target the families of Baloch political and social activists.

He added, Pakistan Army is a wanton beast, which devoured millions of Bengalis in Bangladesh. And it is committing same atrocities in Balochistan too.

The General Secretary of Baloch National Movement appealed to international organizations and international media to take immediate notice of ongoing Pakistani war crimes and human rights violation in Balochistan, and a further delay in in their part will erupt a severe humanitarian crisis in Balochistan.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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