Political activists join BNM in UK


Baloch National Movement central spokesman in his statement has said that Sohaib Mengal, ex central committee member and ex international representative of Baloch Student Organization Azad (BSO-AZAD), Niaz Zehri, former Organizer of Foreign Committee of BSO-AZAD, and Sakindar Qambrani, ex London Zone Organizer of BSO-AZAD have joined Baloch National Movement. Central Spokesman welcomed them to the BNM.

The new members of BNM in their collective statement said BNM as a political party established itself in a short period of time in international level and became a strong voice for the oppressed Baloch nation. They also commended that BNM has been working and progressing as a sound institution to recruit and mobilize its members. BNM is the best platform for the political cadres to highlight Baloch national issue in international level. They also lauded the working of BNM as a pure democratic party which is free from all sorts of individual dominance and influence. The new members of BNM also pledged that they had full regard for the working and constitution of BNM, and would abide by that, and continue their struggle on the platform of the BNM.

BNM central spokesman also made it clear that the center had invited the new members to join BNM; after deliberation and consideration they formally joined the Baloch National Movement.

The Central spokesman of BNM welcomed the new members in the party. He also expressed that the new members of BNM, including with UK, London would play a vital role in international level for making BNM a stronger and viable political party.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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