US suspending military training programs for Pakistan is appreciable. BNM


Baloch National Movement’s Central spokesperson in his statement welcomed the initiatives taken by US President Donald Trump on freezing funds for trainings of Pakistani military officers. He called this initiative of President Trump a step in right direction.

The spokesman stated, USA had allocated funds for Pakistan under U.S. government’s International Military Education and Training program (IMET), and annually 66 Pakistani officers got higher level of training in National Defense University of Washington. Suspension of this program is highly appreciable.

He said that Pakistan had been using US funds against Baloch. Baloch nation not only continuously indicated about it, and also informed that Pakistan had been using those funds for nurturing terrorism. Pakistan had been using US funds cunningly to sponsor terrorist organizations which are threat to the world peace.

The spokesman stated that the civilized world should take notice of dual face of Pakistani state that is Godfather of terror organizations and religious proxies. Pakistan with every passing day is making these terrorist organizations more lethal for the world. Therefore time has arrived the world should take strong action against Pakistan for supporting terrorism across the world.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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