A new phase of military operations is continue in different parts of Occupied Balochistan


The Central spokesman of Baloch National Movement in his statement expressed fear that Pakistan Army has abducted several women and children in a new series of operations across Occupied Balochistan.

He stated, “During military operation several men, women and children are abducted from Sibbi, Lehri, Mashkay, Washuk, Killikor, Dasth and other areas,”

The new phase of operation is started in District Sibi and Lehri’s areas of Tazi, Rilomiya, Rilogullabo, Gwadi and Bamboor. Today military marched into Bamboor from three directions of Lehri, Dera Bugti and Sibi. Ten helicopters, a convoy of more than 100 military vehicles and an equal number of camels are taking part in the operation. There is lurking fear that Army would carry out indiscriminate bloodshed in the areas. Due to lack in communication it is hard to gauge the exact scale of casualties inflicted by ruthless Pakistani forces. It is reported, the level of operation extended to Nagahu, Narmak, Johaan and adjacent areas of District Kalat.

The spokesman said, “it becomes a prevalent norm of Pakistan Army to disconnect the communication system in the areas of operation to deceive the world about its barbarities that commits during the operations,” “however, initial reports tell, gunships Helicopters have been indiscriminately bombing and shelling in the area since morning; as result, several residents embraced martyrdom, and army arrested men, women and children, and shifted them to military camps and other unknown places.

Furthermore, several houses were torched in operation,” This is not the first time that these areas come under the radar of military operations; a many times before, operations were carried out; however, all went unnoticed due to communication gap and media blackout in Balochistan.

The spokesman said that there is not a single place in occupied Balochistan that is secured from the state atrocities and barbarities. However Pakistani Media and its so-called human rights organizations are working under the thumbs of military; In fact, media is parroting the military sponsored narratives issued by ISPR to them which is based on fabricated news stories to evade the genocide of the Baloch people from the sight of the civilized world. Notwithstanding, social media played a vital role to expose the atrocities of Pakistani forces before the world.

The spokesman stated tha thousands of Baloch from Dera Bugti, Mashkay, Washuk Kharan and Makkuran are forced to migrate to the other parts of Balochistan and Sindh. Even though, they don’t feel safe there; they are equally being harassed and tortured by security establishment there too.

The spokesman stated that an elderly woman was severely beaten and threw in front of her house in Raghai district Washuk in the state of unconsciousness. Another incident, two boys were enforced disappeared after their arrest by intelligence agencies at Washuk Raghai.

The BNM spokesman appealed to International Human rights organizations and international media to take immediate notice of ongoing Pakistani forces atrocities and state terrorism in Balochistan and asked them to come in rescue of Baloch masses from atrocities of Pakistani forces that are committing against Baloch nation.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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