All BNM zones to hold references and programs in the death anniversary of Ghulam Mohammad Baloch


Baloch National Movement Central spokesperson directed all zones of BNM throughout the world to hold references and programs from 3rd to 9th of April in memory of Shaheed Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, the Chairman of Baloch National Movement.

Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Lala Munir Baloch and Sher Mohammad Baloch were arrested at the chamber of Kachkol Ali Advocate, a prominent lawyer and leader of BNM, by Pakistani security forces in broad daylight on 3rd April 2009; later on, their mutilated dead bodies were thrown in Murgaap, vicinity of Turbat city on 9th April 2009 which was the declaration of the vicious policy of “kill and dump” by Pakistan.

The spokesman stated, “it was a new chapter in the history of war crimes; the murder of Shaheed Ghulam Mohammad and his friends under the state’s detention was initially condemned by the world bodies and human rights organizations; however, they did nothing to hold Pakistan responsible for these war crimes before any court of law,”

He further added, “The silence of them (international organizations) emboldened Pakistan to accelerate the genocide of Baloch nation with impunity.”

“This is the root cause of the ever increasing genocide of the Baloch people, and more than 5000 Baloch fallen prey under “kill and dump” policy of Pakistan.” remarked he.

The spokesman said, “ Ghulam Mohammad Baloch played a vital and historical role in the release of UNHCR official, John Solecki who was kidnapped on February, 2009, but United Nations did nothing worthwhile in the extrajudicial killing of Shaheed Ghulam Mohammad Baloch which is disheartening and regretful,”

He further added that the silence of human rights organizations and United Nations had created a vacuum for the mass murder of the Baloch nation; if the responsible organization did not stand and intervene to hold Pakistan accountable for its war crimes, millions of Baloch life would be at stake and hope of regional peace would be a fantasy.

The Central spokesman commented that it was grave misunderstanding of Pakistan to believe, that to repress Baloch movement by killing its political leaders, but today it is clear to Pakistan the martyrdom of Ghulam Mohammad and his friends is a torch bearer for new generation, and their death further galvanized the Baloch nation towards the goal for a free Balochistan.

The spokesman stated that no doubt today Ghulam Mohammad Baloch is not among us but his revolutionary political vision, and sacrifices are guiding us at every mode of action. He always championed for political struggle on a strong political party forum; and struggle to bridge the existing vacuum by establishing a political alliance with all political parties. That is why he brought drastic reform in Baloch National Movement and formed a political alliance, Baloch National Front; however, this alliance failed to meet its desired result due to the myopic vision of some political allies.

Again he urged all BNM zone and carders to ensure programs from 3rd to 9th April in their respective zones.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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