BNM calls to support the Pashtun Long March


Khalil Baloch, Baloch National Movement’s Chairman, announced to support the Pashtun long March to Quetta, and appealed Baloch nation to come out and join the March in solidarity with persecuted Pashtun for raising their voices against state oppression.

BNM’s chairman stated that Pashtun and Sindhi are oppressed nations like Baloch; they have to initiate a parallel struggle for national freedom against Punjabi dominance and Pakistan’s oppression.

Khalil Baloch commented, “soon after the emergence of Pakistan, the newly formed state either tactically or forcibly annexed the other nations and started their exploitation and oppression, which currently shaped into the ugliest form,”

Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtun are not being only economically exploited, but also their values, culture and language are at stake,” remarked he. “These nations have to throw away the yoke of exploitation and oppression by getting rid of (Punjab and Punjabi) dominance; ultimately, become the master of their own destiny by establishing own sovereign state,”

Mr Baloch said, “it is encouraging that now Pashtuns are realizing their massacre and genocide, and there is a growing sense of deprivation among Pashtun which is a positive step in right direction,” He added, “thousands of Pashtuns fall prey of state terrorism and a thousands of them are languishing in torture cells; and the lot of Sindhi people is of no difference”.

Chairman Khalil further added that this country (Pakistan) time and again made realized us of our slavery, but still anybody or nation blinks the reality; in such case, the future would be disastrous.

Chairman Khalil Baloch stated that demonstration in Islamabad against extrajudicial killing of Naqeebullah Mehsood was a right decision to highlight Pashtun mass killings; similarly, the long March is another step in right direction. The story of Lambaro, an old lady from Swat who lost her four sons at the hands of Pakistani security forces from time to time was heart wrenching. He added, “This story is clarion call for Pashtun and other oppressed nations to understand the fact that they are enslaved and must struggle to cast away the shackles from their necks.”

He further added that no one’s life and property is safe in Pakistan. Lambaro had four sons but today she lost all of her four sons. She has been enduring this agony since 2009, now she lost her eyesight. Her first son Isaq was arrested by Pakistani security forces and threw his dead body after three months; her other son, Zakria, was abducted in 2012 and is missing till date. After that she migrated from Swat to Karachi, but her two other sons were arrested by Karachi police in 2015 and their dead bodies were handed over to the old and hapless mother. There are many other similar stories are buried underneath of earth. Now time has arrived for Pashtun to choose the right path for themselves.

Chairman Khalil Baloch said, “ Baloch nation can better feel the mental agonies of Pashtuns and the atrocities committed against them because Baloch nation is facing atrocities and oppression for last seventy years; whereas it is exacerbated quarterly in last eighteen years,”

He further added, “We need a joint venture against our common enemy that brought atrocities, barbarities and enslaved us for years; surely, a united struggle is a natural turn of event.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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