We pay rich tributes to Dr Mannan and his companions. Khalil Baloch


Khalil Baloch, the chairman of Baloch National Movement, is his recent statement paid tributes to Dr. Mannan Baloch, the former secretary general of BNM, his companion, intellectual and writer Babu Nouroz, Hanif Baloch, Ashraf Baloch and Sajid Baloch on their second anniversary. And he added Baloch National Movement as a party has given many sacrifices in Baloch history; from Fida Ahmed to Chairman Ghulam Mohammad and Dr Mannan embraced martyrdom and wrote unmatched history for the cause of freedom, identity and national survival. Leaders like Shaheed Ghulam Mohammad and Dr Mannan with their unparalleled sacrifice tried to redress the weaknesses of the past that surfaced due to non-existence of political institutions.

Chairman further added, he drew a new line of national struggle with strong frame of character and brought strength in national movement with continuity. And the struggle of Dr Mannan left undeletable marks in the history of Baloch nation which cannot be forgotten.

Khalil Baloch commented that from the beginning of the century Baloch movement experienced a revamped Baloch national political institutions building and the continuous successes because of astute leader, untiring and great mobilizer like Dr Mannan Baloch. He stated that bringing Baloch struggle to these heights all Baloch leaders and workers made great sacrifice. However the martyrdom of Ghulam Mohammad and Dr Mannan Baloch are the greatest loss to nation struggle. If both were alive, they would immensely contributed in Baloch nation struggle, however their martyrdom elevated to the position of pyramids of lights where Baloch politics and culture will be enkindled for centuries to come. He reckoned, they embraced martyrdom in love with the Baloch national struggle and become immortal in Baloch history.

Chairman BNM stated that the positive impacts of Dr Mannan martyrdom is not only limited to Baloch national struggle and Baloch land but the neighboring nations and the oppressed nations of the entire world benefited from his political vision and sacrifices. Because Dr Mannan believed the oppressed and persecuted nations of the world share common experiences of injustice, exploitation and oppression, and the factor of nationalism would make them more common and united.

Khalil Baloch recalled that Two years back on 30th January Pakistani forces raided on Ashraf Baloch house, and martyred Dr Mannan, Ashraf Baloch Hanif Baloch, Nauroz Baloch and Sajid Baloch, and deprived us from a great leader. But history is proved, a nation having such well-versed and able leader would keep producing leaders.

He said, “Today Baloch nation is heading towards their destination and Baloch nation will never forget his sacrifices. And the free Balochistan will be the judicious revenge to Pakistan.” Today all Baloch are conscious of their enslavement and playing their role in national struggle. And the struggle of Dr Mannan compartmentalized a wall between master and slave.

Khalil Baloch commented that Baloch nation is analyzing that the graves of their leaders are being demolished. A complete ban is imposed on speaking about rights, democratic procession and freedom of expression. Such feelings of enslavement never felt before.

Chairman said, “Mannan Baloch was such a figure who went to the every knock and corner of Balochistan to preach his people about slavery and urged them to join hands in National struggle. Therefore, he embraced martyrdom at Mastung and buried there far from his native area Mashkay. Surely he will be remembered by Baloch nation and in human history.” He added, Dr played a vital role in the formation of BSO-AZAD and revamping BNM into its present position. He devoted his life for making BNM a more vibrant party. He was a seasoned politician and was an expert of international politics and could accurately predict about future happenings in political horizon. He was a medical officer but relinquished his professional life when the conscious of national slavery and atrocities of Pakistan hunt his soul. Party programs were always in his priority.

BNM Chairman stated, “Dr Mannan believed in the philosophy of running nation struggle on institutional basis. And he was a believer of unification on party level not otherwise. Though, he is not among us today, but even his critics are convinced that the secret of national struggle is hidden in working through organizational structure that go with continuity and reach into its logical conclusion.”

Chairman Khalil Baloch also said that Dr Mannan was a charismatic personality. All were fan of Dr Mannan and were eager to work for national cause; Due to this enemy forces were hesitant, and were in pursuit to target him. Ultimately, he was martyred with his fellows but his philosophy, vision and sacrifices are torch carrier for us. His mission for a free Balochistan is our final destination and surely we get there to complete his wishes.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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