We condemn attacks on Baloch and Pashtun students by IJT in Lahore. BNM


Baloch National Movement Central spokesperson in his statement condemned the attack on Baloch and Pashtun students by Jamaith-i-Islami’s student wing Islami Jamaith Tulba (IJT) in Panjab University Lahore. Previously Jamaith-i-Islami created Al-Shams and Al-Badr in Bangladesh and committed war crimes by genocide of Bengalis, due to their role, its leaders till now being hanged in war crimes. He remarked about Jamaith-i-Islami, “It is working as a proxy of Pakistan Army to repeat same in Balochistan that it did in Bangladesh, but there fate will also be no different from Bangladesh.”

BNM central spokesman stated that the occupying establishments with its proxies exploit the occupied and oppressed nations on several ways, like economic and educational exploitation. Either it is Karachi University incident or Islamabad or Panjab University’s, or deployment of Army in university of Balochistan, these all events are proof of same policy of oppression and punishment.

He said when students of Balochistan moved to Sindh, Islamabad and Punjab, after knowing the pathetic conditions of education in Balochistan, they are forced to quit and leave their educational career incomplete by one way or another. He added that two months before the Baloch students in Islamabad were suspended which forced them to set in hunger strike till death for 25 days. However, no one blink one’s eyes on 25 days of hunger strike which clearly reflects the relation between the oppressors and oppressed.

While talking about Pashtun leadership, he regretted, “In today incident Pashtun students were targeted along with Baloch students, unfortunately Pashtun leadership failed to realise its oppression. Historical facts suggest that Pashtoon must be united against Pakistani occupation and try to liberate their nation at the clinch of Pakistani occupation.”

The Central spokesman remarked that the abduction of Sagheer Baloch from a Karachi University canteen and abduction of Atta Nawaz and Hassam Baloch at the hand of Sindh Ranger are linked with same episode of oppression. Similarly Karachi University student Mumtaz Sajidi, was abducted along with his brother and friend, later released after three days of torture. All these incidents occurred within spin of two months. This is a policy to keep away Baloch nation from education so that they lag behind in education, regardless of the fact this is a colonial education which can only produce professional workers. There is no doubt today Baloch students are topping in field of education and knowledge. They are conscious of their slavery. That’s why establishment fear they would provide fuel, energy and able leader to Baloch movement.

The Central spokesman said that today Islamic extremist goons beaten up Baloch and Pashtun students that depicts the real face of Zinda Dillan-i- Lahore (jolly fellow of Lahore), where they silently watched the torturing of helpless students. The viral video clearly shows goons are beating a student with batons in well-organized way and onlookers are silently watching them. Surely this verifies the relation of the oppressor and the oppressed.

The spokesman stated that from Bangladesh till today Jamaith-i-Islami and its students’ wing are working against institutions under state supervision. Similarly the silence of media kept world and other oppressed nation of Pakistan unaware about the miseries of Baloch nation. This clarifies the fact media is a silent companion of Pakistani war crimes.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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