World powers should take notice on declaring genocide of Baloch by Pakistani minister. Dr. Murad Bal


Dr. Murad Baloch, the Secretary General of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), said in a press release that on Sunday puppet Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti issued a verdict of Baloch’s genocide in the newspapers; actually confessing the ongoing genocide. Now the world institutions should take legal action against the state and its officials for these crimes against humanity. Sarfraz Bugti by declaring Baloch pro-freedom people as a terrorist and waging genocide is the blatant expression of hate against Baloch nation. Murad Baloch commented, “He (Sarfarz Bugti) may carry a Baloch name but according to Balochi traditions he doesn’t fit to be called a Baloch.” Today, every Baloch demands freedom and salvation from Pakistani oppression, but according to the decree of the occupied state, the Balochs are deserved to be killed. Thus it is the first public announcement and acknowledgment of the Baloch genocide.

Dr Murad Baloch said that Sarfraz Bugti had earlier acknowledged that his government has arrested thirteen thousand Baloch in two years. After this, Interior Secretary Akbar Hussain Durrani conferred arrest of nine thousand Baloch under National Action Plan, but none of them was presented in any court and they are still missing. This genocide has been carrying out against the Baloch nation for 69 years since the occupation of Balochistan.

BNM Secretary General said Pakistan is violating all international and human rights laws. Bombing of citizens and abduction of women, children and students have become a daily routine. On 28th October eight-years-old Aftab Yunus, twelve-years-old Ulfat Iltaf along with others were abducted by Pakistani forces from Karachi; similarly on 15th November Sanaullah Baloch, the Secretary General of BSO-Azad and his colleagues were abducted by the same forces. But the silence of media and human rights organizations show that they legitimized the Baloch genocide. We appeal to the international organizations to take serious notice of affirming Baloch genocide by Pakistani minister, and ensure to protect the Baloch nation on surface of the earth.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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