Media and HR organizations are silent on humanitarian crisis in Balochistan. Dil Murad


Baloch National Movement’s Central information Secretary Dill Murad Baloch published the monthly report of continuous Human rights violations in Balochistan by Pakistan Army in the month of June.

He said, in the month of June Pakistan army conducted more than 86 military operations, in which 121 people were forcefully disappeared, 30 bullet riddled bodies were dumped and more than 11 killed. In Mastung operation including 12 dead bodies 4 were unidentified. During the military operations more than 23 houses were burned after looting them. More than 60 livestock looted, grains and wheat were taken to Military camps. According to the sources 52 people were released from the state torture cells. Many people are not added in this figure who were abducted and released on the same or the next day, which are included in the detailed report of June.

He further added that, it’s going to be a big sorrow, while publishing this detailed report we have to say that due to criminal silence of the International Human rights organizations including the International Media on the ongoing gross human rights violations, the Baloch genocide, abduction of innocent civilians, extrajudicially torturing then killing and dumping by Pakistan Army and it’s nurtured religious extremist groups. Balochistan is suffering a great human crisis. ISIS’s barbarism in Mousl and Syria continued same like in Balochistan under the command of Pakistan army, but here the only difference is that there is no media and human rights organizations to highlight atrocities in Balochistan, as they have highlighted the atrocities being committed there, through the lenses of their camera and pens and here there is no media and human rights organizations to highlight the issues of Balochistan, due to which human rights situations in Balochistan have deprived as presented by the press release of Pakistan Army’s representative stating that “everything is good” by the bloody ink. The silence of media and the human rights organizations in Balochistan and considering establishment’s statement, as journalism and reality, instead of investigative reporting reveal these organizations are dead.

He further added that the nationalist political parties who do not accept Pakistan’s parliamentary system, have no place in the surfaces, due to which they have to be spared but in excuse of being underground parties are labeled as “Banned outfit” and it’s members are forcefully disappeared from their houses and then killed and dumped. He said that international media and the human rights organizations should pay attention towards the ongoing human rights crisis in Balochistan, otherwise it will be a horrific chapter of history. So, the media and human rights organizations will also be responsible for a silent genocide.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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