Nawab Marri’s life and character is a guidance path for all the oppressed nations. BNM


The central spokesman of the Baloch National Movement paid rich tribute to the distinguished Baloch Leader Khair Bakhsh Marri on his seventh death anniversary. He said, “Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri’s life and character is a guidance path for all the oppressed nations of the world. He guided the Baloch nation on the national liberation struggle against opportunistic politics of tribal lords, self-centric groups, parliamentarians and against those Sardars and Nawabs who acted on the wishes of the occupying Pakistani state.

Nawab Marri guided the Baloch nation to hate and resist national slavery throughout his life and devoted his entire life to preaching for freedom and liberation of occupied Baloch land. Several prominent figures, who later played their role for the independence of Balochistan, emerged from his political circle of “Haq Tawar”. Countless other people were impressed and joined the ranks of the Baloch national struggle due to his preachings.”

He said, Nawab Marri’s charm was based on his morales and never compromising stance on freedom for his people. He went through hard times but such testing situations did not affect or weaken his principles and ideology. Despite these hardships, Nawab Marri with his resoluteness remained a key figure in motivating the oppressed nations. His sacrifices for the Baloch nation spread throughout his life span, from the early days as a young man to the last days of his life. He made countless sacrifices for the Baloch national struggle and helped build a resistance which the next generation of the Baloch people will always be proud of.

The central spokesman also added that the state of Pakistan tried every means to counter and intimidate him from his political beliefs. He was put into rigorous jail. Many attempts were made on his life by the spy agencies of Pakistan but regardless of such tactics and threats, his resolute struggle for a free Balochistan was not weakened.

He added, “The sacrifices of Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri are a golden chapter in the history of the Baloch nation and he proved he was a true son of Balochistan.”

The central spokesman of Baloch National Movement said, “We should learn from the guiding life and struggle of Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri and play our role in the struggle for the freedom of Baloch land.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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