We condemn the arrest of female students and the use of brutal force against them. BNM


The spokesman of the Baloch National Movement, condemned the arrest of female students and the use of unnecessary brutal force against them. He said it was not the first incident. The arrest, abduction, torture and genocide are now parts of the Baloch lives. The seventy dark years of Pakistani state’s colonization of Balochistan carry a long history of humiliation.

The Pakistani barbarities and atrocities in Balochistan have now turned into a pressing question for humanity. Our peaceful national struggle has been suppressed and forbidden since late. Now the situation has reached such limits that students who were denied their basic right of access to the internet were brutalized and arrested when they protested for their due and justified rights to proper internet services for online education.

He said that the arrest and use of forces against students are unacceptable. This is part of Pakistani policy to keep the Baloch people even away from its outdated educations system. In this age of the twenty-first century where the students are supposed to be holding their books and pens peacefully, whereas the students from Balochistan are handcuffed and being put into prisons daily.

The spokesman further said that hundreds of primary, middle and high schools across the width and breadth of Balochistan are under the control of the army and these schools portray the image of army camps. Since long the students of Balochistan are being arrested, often with brutal force, for protesting for their just and due demands. This Pakistani act gives a clear indication that it wants to terrorize Baloch students and strip them of education.

Pakistan has reached such a level of animosity that they installed hidden cameras in women’s washroom in the University of Balochistan. There is no parallel example of such humiliation throughout the world. The culprits of these heinous crimes instead of being punished were rather set free and promoted to higher ranks in Pakistani bureaucracy.

Thousands of students have fallen prey to Pakistani policy of enforced disappearance, extrajudicial killing and fake encounters. Zahid Baloch, Zakir Majeed, Shabeer Baloch and hundreds of other students have been missing for years. Due to these state of affairs, the Baloch female students were forced to raise their voices for their missing brothers. The state saw this as a threat and since then has been attempting to shut the doors of education for them.

He added, Pakistan not only trampled the Baloch people’s values but also lacks in ethics and disregards international laws and values. This is the one among many of the reasons Pakistan has been attributed as an unnatural state. In such a state of affairs, the abduction and killing of students and putting them in prisons for their minor demands is an anticipated course of action from such a brutal state like that of Pakistan. We have been experiencing such brutality from the first day of Balochistan’s occupation and we know Pakistan can cross any length to maintain its colonial policies.

He said Mahrang Baloch and Mehlab Deen Mohammad were also arrested among other

students. Both brave daughters have studied in trying conditions and their fathers have become the victim of Pakistani barbarities. Ghaffar Langov, the late father of Dr. Mahrang Baloch abducted by Pakistani security forces twice and upon the last time, he was martyred in the torture cell, whereas, Dr. Deen Mohammad has been missing for the last eleven years after being forcibly disappeared. We condemn the Quetta Police’s arrested of them. We are sure that these days will pass, but the list of Pakistan crimes committed in Balochistan is getting larger by every passing day. Sooner or later, Pakistan will be held accountable for its war crimes in Balochistan.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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