The unfaithfulness of the West to the Kurds will be a dark chapter in history. Khalil Baloch

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Baloch National Movement Chairman Khalil Baloch has denounced Turkey’s invasion of Kurdistan which came soon after US President Trump announcing the withdrawal of its troops from Kurdish controlled land. He stated, “This is a new chapter of betrayal of the West and would be remembered as black one in the history,”

“Turkey’s bombardment has entered its fifth day and the silence of the United States at this time of need exposes US´ desertion of the Kurds who have remained the strongest vanguard against terrorism.”

He further stated, “In future, any country would think a thousand times before allying with the USA. Kurds as an ally of the USA have lost eleven thousand of their fighters to defeat ISIS, but now after four years, the USA has left them at the mercy of Turkish bombardments.”

Khalil Baloch also commented on the initiatives of Germany, France, and the Netherlands on putting an arms trade’s embargo on Turkey. But he cautioned that even such measures were insufficient and of little help; the entire Europe and USA are liable to follow suit of Germany, France, and the Netherlands and stop dealing with the Turkish state. The way Kurds gave sacrifices as a frontline in defeating Islamic State (ISIS), demands from the entire world to fulfill its responsibility to stand in support of Kurds.

The Chairman of Baloch National Movement also warned that the brutal invasion of Turkey on Kurdistan would pave the way for ethnic cleansing and genocide, also possibly cause the escape of thousands of ISIS prisoners. Surly the attack on Kurds is proportional to helping ISIS in the region. Thus it is the first and for most responsibility of the world powers, the United Nations and human rights organizations to stand against Turkey and challenge its aggression in the region.

Chairman Khalil Baloch also stated that while abandoning the Kurd at the mercy of Turkey’s brutal bombardment, it is the continuation of the West´s policy of evading and subjugating nationalism that challenges the West drawn borders. The existing apocalyptic situation of the Middle East, religious extremism, the emergence of Daesh (ISIS) are the outcome of the Western policies where they instead of supporting the formation of natural nation-states in the region supported dictators who forced different nations to live in the West´s drawn lines. They also paved the way for proxy Islamic organizations by financing them to gain their ulterior motives. As a result of this policy, humanity has continuously suffered in the hands of these brutal forces.

BNM Chairman also said that BNM had also previously cast doubt on the war against ISIS from day one. It was a divided war which each nation used for its self-centric interest. The West and surrounding countries were powerless against ISIS´s brutalities and lacked any plan to counter it. It was the Kurds who stood on their nationalistic ideological ground and sacrificed their 11000 fighters while blowing a hard defeat to ISIS. This defeat of ISIS at the hands of the Kurds is a testimony of the fact that peace in the Middle East can permanently be achieved only when nations are allowed to form their nation-states in the region. This is also a clear threat to Turkey´s expansion in the region.

Khalil Baloch stated while deserting the Kurds reflects world powers’ policy of trampling nationalism and any possibility of creating nation-states, but it is also an indication of the fact that the world powers are still unwilling to review their policies based on their last century´s colonialism; surly this tendency doesn’t prophesize establishing world peace. Countries like Pakistan and Turkey have been employing religious extremism, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and such kind of other brutal forces as a shield against Baloch and Kurds.

Pakistan’s endorsement of Turkey’s invasion of Kurdistan is confirmation of its policy of terrorism, expansionism and similar extremist ideology. Turkey is openly supporting ISIS, similarly, Pakistan is supporting the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Both countries also share another trait of persecution and genocide of the oppressed nations. Turkey has been involved in the genocide of the Armenians and Kurds, in the same way, Pakistan has committed genocide in Bangladesh and is committing genocide right now in Balochistan.

He further added, “Baloch and Kurd are two largest nations which are deprived of their own sovereign country and their lands are divided into several countries.”

He explained for lasting peace in the Middle East and Asiatic region, the formation of Baloch and Kurd nation-states is a must.

Khalil Baloch asserted that Pakistan like Turkey is also blackmailing the world on the pretext of the presence of Islamic extremism and refugees. Turkey’s threat to Europe for opening the floodgate of 3.6 million refugees is not less than flagrant blackmailing. In the same way, it is an open secret now that Turkey has been in contact with ISIS and its oil and weapons smuggling business. Pakistan has also adopted the same policy. Both counties share a common vision by supporting each other and sponsoring terrorist organizations. The murder of Kurd leader Hevrin Khalaf by Turkish backed proxy is the reflection of Pakistani mode “kill and dump” of killing the Baloch leaders. The world powers need to deal with Turkey and Pakistan with iron hands.

Chairman Khalil Baloch said, “We want to make this clear to the world that Baloch nation is struggling on the base of nationalism while sticking on the secular and a liberal approach. Baloch nation is also immensely sacrificing against the world´s largest terrorist state of Pakistan. We want to tell the world that the ideology of Baloch and Kurd nations are the harbingers of peace and prosperity in the world.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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