Non-recovery of Dr. Deen Mohammad is a whip on the civilized world. BNM

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spokesperson said, “Ten years is completed to the abduction of BNM central leader Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch by Pakistani intelligence agencies. Dr. Deen Mohammad was abducted on June 28, 2009, from Ornach district Khuzdar. This act is a huge example of brutalities and atrocities of Pakistan’s war crimes against the Baloch nation.”

The central spokesperson added, “A decade is completed in the enforced disappearance of Dr. Deen Mohammad but got no justice, which clears the fact the existence of Pakistan is not only a fatal threat to the Baloch nation but also it is an active mafia against human dignity and international human rights laws.

He said, “on June 28, 2009, Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch was abducted from Ornach area of district Khuzdar by Pakistani forces when he was on duty. After his abduction, his family started a historical struggle for his safe recovery and their struggle continues till date. The problem of enforced disappearances in Balochistan is a great and unique crisis in the history of mankind.”

He further added,” Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch’s family has knocked all doors of justices and

appealed to the so-called judiciary of Pakistan. They used every mean of demonstration and protest. They along with the families of missing persons participated in the Train Long March from Quetta to Islamabad. The family of Dr. Deen Mohammad once again participated in the historical long march of VBMP from Quetta to Karachi and then Karachi to Islamabad, but couldn’t succeed in the recovery of Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch from the torture cells of heartless and callous state. However, they were successful in writing a new chapter in the history of the national struggle. This struggle of Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch’s family will be remembered in golden words in the history of mankind.

The central spokesperson of Baloch National Movement applauded the role of Dr. Deen Mohammad and remarked, “Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch is a real son of Baloch land and Baloch national struggle. A decade long extrajudicial detention is proof of his commitment to the national cause. The tortures and cruelties of Pakistan are failed to bring him down from his commitment. And all Baloch know that Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch is a true lover of national freedom and has been enduring tortures for a decade which is the reflection of his love for his motherland. This struggle of Dr. Deen Mohammad is not only for the dignity of the Baloch nation but also it is for the entire humanity.

The spokesman also applauded the role of Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch in the Baloch national struggle, “Dr. Deen Mohammad Baloch’s family members like thousands of other missing persons’ families are living in indescribable agony and pain but they did not lose their hopes and determination. His daughters are

part of human rights organization “ Voice for Baloch Missing Persons’ and playing a vital role in the safe recovery of the Baloch missing persons.”

BNM spokesperson appealed to the United Nations and other International Organizations that they should accept the human rights situations of Balochistan as a humanitarian crisis and Pakistan should practically be held accountable, otherwise, the human rights violation against Baloch nation will be a slap in the face of the civilized world.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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