BNM protests in Munich, Berlin and Melbourne against Pakistani atrocities

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Baloch National Movement Central spokesman says in a statement that after passing several days the abducted minor children and students are yet to be released. Two minor kids of primary school Aftaab Younis and Ulfat Iltaf were abducted along with BHRO Information Secretary Nawaz Atta and his other friends at the month of October; similarly BSO Azad Secretary General Sana Izzat Baloch and his companions were picked up by Sindh Rangers and intelligence agencies at the November. Their whereabouts are still unknown. BNM has scheduled a series of protests against these enforced disappearance of kids, students and human rights activists. Tomorrow BNM will stage a protest in German city of Munich against Pakistani atrocities. In the same way a protest will be held in German capital city of Berlin on the eve of Human Rights day on 10th December. Next week BNM joint with BSO Azad will hold a protest in Melbourne, Australia.

The spokesman appealed to all political and human rights organizations to participate in these protests by highlighting the abduction of kids and students, and play a role for their safe recovery. In social media, the hashtag of #SaveBalochChildren #BalochGenocide and #SaveBSOAzadLeaders will be used during these protests.

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Posted by InfoSecBNM
The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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