Belgium: BNM Representatives Attend Pashtun National Jirga, Reaffirm Solidarity with Oppressed Nations

The success of national movements hinges on unity, sacrifice, and steadfast resistance.

BNM Netherlands

Belgium: The General Secretary of the Baloch National Movement (BNM) Netherlands Chapter, Deedag Baloch, along with Abdul Wahid Baloch, Ruqaya Baloch, and Imran Hakeem, represented BNM at the Pashtun National Jirga in Belgium.

Speaking at the event, Deedag Baloch underscored the deep historical, geographical, and cultural ties between the Baloch and Pashtun nations, emphasizing that both are victims of the same exploitative system and state oppression.

He pointed out that, like the Baloch, the Pashtun nation continues to endure enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, state repression, and the systematic plundering of their resources. “We are under the occupation of a state that is younger than our forefathers,” he remarked.

The BNM representative stressed that the success of national movements hinges on unity, sacrifice, and steadfast resistance. The Baloch National Movement has always stood in solidarity with oppressed nations and remains committed to supporting the Pashtun struggle. They reiterated that forging unity against a common oppressor is crucial to mounting an effective resistance against systemic exploitation.

Deedag Baloch extended his gratitude to the organizers of the Pashtun National Jirga and expressed optimism that the Baloch and Pashtun nations would work together to formulate a robust and unified strategy in their pursuit of freedom and rights.

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Reports on the activities of the BNM Nehtherlands Chapter.