Pakistan has to pay for its atrocities on Baloch nation. BNM

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The central spokesman of Baloch National Movement in his statement released today, said, Pakistan had put the law of jungle into practice in Balochistan, where its army and intelligence agencies had been playing orgy with the blood of Baloch people.

While commenting on the existing situations of law and order in Balochistan he maintained, “Law regarding human rights is itself enforced disappeared, like the people of Balochistan.”

BNM spokesman stated, “Nasrullah Baloch and Mama Qadeer Baloch have been struggling for the safe release of Baloch missing persons for more than a decade on the platform of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP). The families of thousands of enforced disappeared have recorded their protests in this token hunger strike camp of VBMP, but the state has not moved an inch to deviate from its policy of Baloch genocide; rather it has increased in intensity. Regardless of this, our mothers and sisters have been standing firm against all these odds and difficulties.”

He added, his party, BNM looks the endeavors of VBMP with great respect and esteem, and would support their struggle at every footstep. The struggle for the release of Baloch missing persons, and sacrifices of the families of enforced disappeared will be remembered in the history of national struggle. The issue of missing persons is a deep wound in soul of Baloch nation, which can never be forgotten.

The spokesman said, “protests by the families of enforced disappeared is a slap on the face of judiciary, civil society and media which have closed their eyes on the atrocities of Pakistan army. They are equally shareholders in the crimes of the state. There is no trace of law in Pakistan. Baloch are being enforced disappeared, tortured and their mutilated bodies are thrown in the deserted areas, but no one call Pakistan in question for these crimes. Eighteen years continuous atrocities, now it has reached into its peak but the local and international human rights organizations have kept silent to give their approval to these atrocities, which indicates a dangerous situation.”

He further added a raise can be observed in the missing person’s camp. Families of the missing persons have realized that the government, judiciary and parliamentarian and political parties had been giving not more than false promises. In reality all those organizations and individuals are also partner of this crime and standing in the same row.

The spokesman said that the families of the missing persons were aware about the fact that the court, judiciary and political parties were pawns of the army and it was army which had enforced disappeared their beloved and killed them.

He added families of Shabir Baloch, Ajaz Baloch, Zakir Baloch, Naseer Baloch and others missing persons are protesting in the camp of VBMP. It is condemnable to stop their peaceful protest. People even don’t have the right of peaceful demonstration; even the indications of targeting could be noticed. Previously Pakistani security forces have sabotaged protests in Quetta, Jiwani, Mashkay, Tump, Khuzdar and other areas, but the state of Pakistan must bear it into mind that it cannot suppress the voice of Baloch people with such nasty tactics. And the state of Pakistan sooner or later has to pay for these atrocities.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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