Pakistani army sexually assaults the Baloch women: Khalil Baloch


Baloch National Movement’s Chairman Khalil Baloch strongly condemned sexually assaulting of women in Rakshan, Naag area of district Washuk. The women were forcibly shifted to army camp, and they were molested and tortured by military men. Sadly, it also resulted in miscarriage of a pregnant woman. The chairman of BNM in the response of this sickening incident said, “The silence of the human rights organizations in this incident of abusing women by Pakistani security forces is a slap on their faces.”

He added, “The state of Pakistan and its army are involved in the violation of human rights in Balochistan; there is a constant raise in the genocide of Baloch nation, and Pakistan is considering the silence of the world as a act of impunity to continue its barbarity.”

Khalil Baloch remarked, “For several years the families of the missing Baloch persons are compelled to protest and demonstrate even in the occasion of Eid; they have spent their many Eid before the press clubs protesting for the safe release of their loved ones; hence, the world bodies are indifferent and don’t show a scintilla of interest towards their agonies.” And reiterated, “We believe, the silence of the world on the barbarities of Pakistan that is committing in Balochistan, would hold them accountable in the history, too”

He said that the incident of molesting women and torturing them in army camp had gone unreported in the media.

BNM chairman explained, “There is complete media blackout in Balochistan therefore it became a black hole, where the act of barbarities by Pakistan army, and the wailing and crying of those suppressed and persecuted people are buried beneath the earth, but history would record all these cruelties, Pakistan and its puppet representatives sooner or later would pay equally for these war crimes.”

BNM chairman stated, “The atrocities of Pakistan, after the phase of genocide, torture and abduction, has turned a new ugly shape, now they are involved in sexually assaulting the women of Baloch people.”

Khalil Baloch bemoaned, “The silence of civilized world in such appalling incident is a barren assault on humanity.” He continued, “Pakistan cannot suppress Baloch nation by bending on such disgusting tactics, and one day it would face an ignominious defeat before the Baloch movement.”

He added, “In company with, so-called media and journalist, china is also an ally of Pakistan in the genocide of Baloch nation. People living around CPEC project route are forced to migrate to other places due to the exploitive project of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).”

He regretted if journalists honestly had played their role, today the situation would never reached in this point.

Chairman Khalil Baloch to world told the bodies and international media that their silence was making Pakistan embolden to increase the level of barbarities; therefore, time has arrived that they would bring Pakistan into justice.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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