Pakistan wants to cover up its war crimes by advocating for the self-determination for Kashmir. BNM

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The central spokesperson of Baloch National Movement (BNM) while commenting on the Pakistani envoy to the UN, Munir Akram, on the support and advocacy of all means of struggle, including the armed struggle for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, at the recent meeting of the Security Council, said Pakistan’s envoy has tried to show in the Security Council that his country believes in the universal principles of self-determination. In this context, he supports the Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination, but this is the face of Pakistan that he shows to the world, while the real face of Pakistan is opposite and very terrible.

He said that on the one hand, Pakistan has supported the armed struggle for the right to self-determination in the United Nations, on the other hand Pakistan is trying unsuccessfully to cover up its war crimes in occupied Balochistan under the guise of security. Pakistan is not only violating international laws but also committing the worst war crimes in history to crush the Baloch national liberation movement. The Baloch genocide at the hands of the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies is on the rise. Pakistan is inflicting collective punishment on the Baloch freedom fighters and the people in order to dissuade the Baloch nation from its struggle for independence. This has created a humanitarian crisis in the Baloch homeland.

“We believe that the words of Pakistan’s envoy to the United Nations, Munir Akram, show the duplicity of state policy,” the spokesman said. Because on the one hand Pakistan supports the demand for the right to self-determination for Jammu and Kashmir and justifies the armed struggle, on the other hand opposes the independence of occupied Balochistan by declaring the independence movement as terrorism. Even Pakistanis strongly oppose the demand for self-determination and independence of the people of Pakistani-occupied Kashmir. The arrest and trial of Kashmiri pro freedom journalist Tanveer But is proof of Pakistani hypocrisy. The UN should allow the Pakistani envoy to speak on Kashmir’s sovereignty as well as hold Pakistan accountable for obvious war crimes such as the enforced disappearances and custodial killings of thousands of people fighting for national independence in Balochistan. It is a matter of survival, but also of the credibility of the United Nations.

He said that while the Pakistani envoy was delivering a speech on the world’s largest platform like the United Nations, at the same time the Pakistani army was crossing all the boundaries of brutality in Balochistan. This is a clear sign of Pakistan’s hypocrisy and double standards. The United Nations should take immediate notice of this and, in accordance with its charter, fully support and assist the Baloch National Independence Movement.

He said that according to the UN law, the Baloch nation had rejected the accession to Pakistan through a vote in both the houses of its parliament on 1947 but Pakistan had trampled on the decision of the Baloch democratic institutions. Occupied Balochistan at the tip. From that day onwards, mountains of oppression and barbarism are being broken against the Baloch nation in exchange for the demand for freedom.

He said that the Baloch nation was still moving towards its destination in the struggle for national liberation against Pakistani occupation. Pakistan is using ground and air power to crush this movement. Pakistan may try its best to acquit itself by making false claims against others in various UN forums but Pakistan’s crimes are being written in the pages of history.

The spokesman said that the United Nations and international powers should intervene immediately realizing the hypocrisy of Pakistan and the humanitarian crisis in Balochistan.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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