More than 50 women and children have been arrested in a devastating military operation in Gichk. BNM


The spokesman of Baloch National Movement said that a devastating military operation has been going on for several days in different areas of Gichk. The whole area is under the rigorous siege and military barbarism is continue uninterrupted.

He informed, “All access routes to the area are cut off. The residents are incarcerated to their home and they are not allowed to go outside. The Pakistani military is exercising violence against residents of the area. The Gunship helicopters are constantly shelling, more than 50 women and children have been detained by the army from the mountain ranges, and scattered populations are being forced to migrate from the area.

The spokesman said: “various areas in Gichk including Lohari, Hod, Kulanch, Lohari Dat, Jawantak, Gwani, Otal came under severe military barbarism. More than 50 women and children have been detained and shifted to military camps in the ongoing operation. Whereas, today, Pakistan army has buried two bodies under its supervision. According to locals, these two dead bodies were charred. Moreover, livestock is being looted. Further, houses and belongings have been once looted and later on, were set on fire.”

The spokesman said that the military was barbarism continues in most parts of Balochistan. But the latest wave of operations was more intense than previous operations.

He added, “Due to the silence of the defenders of human rights, Pakistan turned the Baloch territory into a slaughterhouse, where the value of human life and property is far less than animals.”

“Today,” he remarked, “Baloch nation is being butchered, but the position of international human rights organizations is of silent spectators.”

BNM spokesman informed, “the available statistics do not show the exact figure as the area is still under siege and military atrocities are intact; we fear the damage could be far greater and more devastating.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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