Protests and awareness programs were organized on the occasion of World Human Rights Day. BNM

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Baloch National Movement spokesman said that on December 10, on the occasion of “World Human Rights Day”, the party organized different programs in Balochistan and abroad. Protests were held in the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. Apart from BNM activists, other freedom-loving Baloch and locals participated in the events. Demonstrators raised play cards, banners and posters and chanted slogans against Pakistan.

The spokesperson said the biggest demonstration was held at 10 Downing Street in the London city of UK, in front of the Prime Minister’s House by the Sindhi Baloch Forum. Along with party workers, BSO Azad, Baloch Human Rights Council, World Sindhi Congress workers, and locals attended it. BNM Foreign Secretary Hammal Haidar Baloch and Dr. Hidayat Bhutto of the World Sindhi Congress addressed the demonstration.

Hammal Haidar Baloch said that today we have organized this program in front of the British Prime Minister’s House on the occasion of “World Human Rights Day” on the platform of the Sindhi Baloch Forum. Its purpose is to expose Pakistani barbarism and human rights abuses in front of the world. We aim to convince the world that the policy adopted by Pakistan within Balochistan and the abduction of Baloch women and children by Pakistan is turning into a dangerous country in terms of not only foreign policy but also about also the human rights. Today we are living in a civilized world, but on the other hand not taking action against the crimes of Pakistan and not pressurizing it, Pakistan is using it as an exemption. Taking advantage of the world’s silence, Pakistan is killing common and unarmed political activists, including women and children, teachers, lawyers and people from all walks of life. Everyone is involved in this massacre, from the head of the Pakistani army to the common soldier.

Hammal Haidar added that we are constantly reminding the world that the world should stop Pakistan from this inhuman conduct and put sanctions on Pakistan. We appeal to the UN to send a fact-finding mission to Balochistan and Sindh to assess the situation there that how Pakistan is killing innocent people.

Addressing the demonstrators, Dr. Hidayat Bhutto, UK Organizer of the World Sindhi Congress said, “Today on the occasion of World Human Rights Day, we Baloch and Sindhi are gathered to tell the world that Pakistan is oppressing us.” Thousands of Baloch and hundreds of Sindhis are missing. Protests are taking place in Balochistan, Sindh and various cities of the world today. We are united here in solidarity. Pakistan has committed atrocities. Corpses are being thrown and now unarmed women are being abducted.

Addressing the demonstration, Dr. Hidayat Bhutto said that Pakistan is massively violating human rights. State institutions are forcibly disappearing the people. This is a crime against humanity. Pakistani state and forces are culprits of humanity. Recently, in a cultural event, people were picked up and disappeared. Hidden cameras were installed in women’s bathrooms at Balochistan University. Such crimes are being regularly carried out by the Pakistani state. The civilized world is obliged to take action against Pakistan because Pakistan, on one hand, is abducting and disappearing Baloch Sindhi political rights activists and on the other hand is promoting terrorism by promoting religious extremism. Pakistan is providing diplomatic protocols to terrorists like Hafiz Saeed, the UN declared terrorist.

The spokesman said that on the occasion of Human Rights Day, protests were held in the

German city of Munster and the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, attended by party workers and locals. Posters, banners, and placards were displayed by the protesters, with photographs of those who were disappeared

and martyred by Pakistan. Protesters shouted slogans against Pakistan and urged global organizations to take strong action against Pakistan.

He said that awareness programs were organized in different areas of Balochistan regarding the “Human Rights Day”. BNM activists had discussions on the brutality of Pakistan in Balochistan and international laws on it.

The spokesperson said that the purpose of observing Human Rights Day on December 10 is to draw the world’s attention to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and celebrating this day proves that the pursuit of human rights is not yet complete and, the significance of this becomes even more pronounced in an occupied nation and region as occupiers engage in different human rights abuses in their occupied territories. Patrons of terrorism and terrorist states like Pakistan are brutally violating the human rights of all oppressed and suppressed nations, including Baloch nation from day one. The free and civilized world cannot imagine of such tragedies. Pakistan playing Holi with human blood on such a scale in Balochistan and Sindh and Pashtun areas, people of the developed world will find these facts film stories. It is the duty of the international community, the UN and the international human rights organizations to take practical steps against the crimes committed against humanity by ensuring that humanity is indivisible and that the rights of all human beings are equal.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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