Investment by any company in Occupied Balochistan is illegal. BNM


Baloch National Movement’s spokesperson in his recent statement said that the imposition of the 6 billion dollars fine on Pakistan by the World Bank arbitration court in the case against Tethyan Copper Company shows the extent of exploitation in Balochistan. This is the tale of a single project, whereas, the looting of billions of dollars’ worth natural resources on a daily basis has been continued for last seventy-two years on several projects including Saindak Project. It is easy to estimate the extent of on-going exploitation in Balochistan by looking at the number of damages Pakistan has to pay in a single project, one can easily judge that in the last seventy years Pakistan has looted trillions dollars’ worth of natural resources from Balochistan.

The spokesman stated that Pakistan has recently secured a $6 billion loan from IMF in order to escape bankruptcy. Pakistan is not in a position to return its loans, therefore it would easily lease Reko Diq to the same company or another company or a country on cheap bases.

The central spokesman informed that the Reko Dekh project was initially sold to an American company in 1993 on 50 percent shares, but due to the soft exploitative conditions American company sold its share to Multinational Tethyan Copper Company (TCC). Hence later on eyeing the vast benefits in Reko Dekh a consortium of two companies of Canada and Chile bought all the shares from Tethyan Copper Company (TCC). They worked on this project from 1993 till 2011.

The exploitation of Baloch national wealth had been going on in a true sense, without benefitting the people of Balochistan. Later on, the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared this project null and void and Tethyan Copper Company appealed to the International arbitrary court against this decision of Pakistani SC. Finally, TCC has won the case and Pakistan has to pay 6 billion dollars in damages to Tethyan Copper Company.

The BNM’s spokesperson maintains that prior to Reko Dekh, the looting of gold and copper had continued at Saindak Project from 1995. According to the released statics, 1500 metric tons of gold and copper have been mined in the first years of the project. According to the released statics of 2016, a staggering figure of 14136 tons silvers, 11033 Kilogram Gold and 1706 Kilogram coppers have been mined out from the same project. The Government of Balochistan receives only 2% from this project while the rest of 98% is divided between China and the Federal Government. Even this 2% which Balochistan is supposed to receive is used to buy loyalties of the corrupt politicians in Balochistan instead of using it on the local people from the area. As a result, people living in and near this project, in areas like Nukundi, Taftaan, Dalbanden, and surrounding, are living under abject poverty without access to drinking water and other basic necessities of life. From 2003, China and Pakistan have been devouring the national wealth of Baloch nation like vultures.

The spokesman stated that for last seventy years along with Sui gas the plunder of Baloch national wealth has continued unhampered and the original owners of this wealth lack basic food. The presence of China in Balochistan is due to the strategic position of Sea and infinite wealth in Balochistan, and the exploitations have increased after the involvement of China in Balochistan.

Balochistan is an occupied land, where every form of investment is against the will of Baloch nation. The international laws proscribe investing in any disputed land.

The central spokesman of Baloch National Movement asserted, ” TCC along with other companies and countries should understand the history, occupation of Balochistan, the position of Pakistan, and should avoid investing in this occupied land.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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