BNM protests abroad, holds awareness campaigns in Balochistan on 28th May

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The central spokesman of Baloch National Movement in his statement says that twenty-one years ago the occupying state of Pakistan tested nuclear bomb on Baloch land at Chaghi and put the entire Baloch nation at the risk of nuclear radiation and till today Baloch are suffering due to its residuals effects.

The spokesman stated that while detonating nuclear test at the midst of the population and trampling international laws, convinced Baloch nation’s belief that their life has no value for the occupying state of Pakistan. And it has no concerns for the native population, which is a new chapter in the history of Baloch genocide.

He added that the nuclear test of Pakistan was a lethal and well-planned attempt in order to turn the ground a hell for the real hire and sons of the soil. The nuclear radiation was the best available option to Pakistan to use it against Baloch nation.

Baloch National Movement central spokesperson stated that nuclear radiations have made the lives hell for the people of Balochistan. Nuclear radiations not only affected human beings but it also caused damages to the environment, weather and wildlife too. It resulted in a drastic change in weather patterns; draught has engulfed the areas, thousands of years old springs have dried up, fields turned into barren lands, cancer is hunting people across the Balochistan like a ghost. After nuclear tests, the rain season has stopped. As a result of draught wildlife and grazing land are severely affected. And people are suffering from multiple diseases such as eye problems, skin problems, cancer, birth complications, and birth abnormalities, malnutrition, premature birth, pregnancy complications have become frequent.He said that Baloch nation remembers 28th May as Black Day in history and have been protesting against it from the very first day. This year also Baloch will protest against this historical atrocity in abroad and holds awareness programs on the zonal level in Balochistan.

He further added that all the parliamentarians are directly involved in the nuclear test. Every year by doing the drama of nuclear test and self-proclaimed Messiah, the head of BNP-M, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, then the chief minister, was driving for Nawaz Sharif and raised the slogan at the nuclear site and tried to justify this atrocious act in order to protect his seat. Hence, still, he could not protect his job despite flattery. Despite this, he tried to create constraint in the ways of international organizations to investigate the aftermath effects of nuclear radiations.

The spokesman of Baloch National Movement says that we as a nation appeal to the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) they should dispatch an inquiry team to Balochistan in order to investigate effects of atomic radiations. It will expose Pakistan’s intentions against Baloch nation.He said that Baloch National Movement will protest internationally and on the zonal level on the day of 28th May as Black Day. The purpose of these protests and demonstrations is to highlight the atrocities of Pakistan on the international level and send a clear message to the world that Baloch nation is against all extremist religious state and nuclear weapons. BNM will also run a social media campaign by using the hashtag of #NukeAfterMathInBalochistan.

He also appealed to social media users, human rights activists, and all Baloch political activists to participate in the protest and take part in our media campaign on 28th May.

The spokesman stated that Pakistani intentions for religious terrorism are wide open to the world. In Pakistan, the army is the real ruler of the country, which is a religious fundamentalist army, along with it also lacks in humans values. There is no doubt about it the existence of such an irresponsible state with its army is a hovering threat of nuclear destruction over the head of the world. He added that Pakistan is the epicenter of extremism and sanctuary for terrorists. Its army, so-called parliamentarians, and terrorist proxies are a threat to world peace. This can easily be assumed that Pakistani federal minister, Shehryar Afridi can clearly be seen in a video where he is assuring the internationally banned religious extremist to keep supporting them.

The spokesman of Baloch National Movement appealed to the civilized world that it is essential for the security of the region, the world, and humanity that Pakistani nuclear weapons should be taken into the custody, because till Pakistan has these nuclear weapons the idea of world peace would remain an unachievable desire.

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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