President of UN General Assembly must visit Balochistan. BNM


President of UN General Assembly must visit Balochistan. BNM

Baloch National Movement central spokesperson in his statement says that Maria Fernanda Espinosa, president of the United Nations General Assembly is in her visit to Pakistan, hence the schedule of her visit still remains unknown; therefore, one cannot assuredly say, whether she will visit Balochistan or not? If she refrains from visiting Balochistan which is grappled with humanitarian crisis, it would be deemed injustice to Balochistan, and such act would go against her designation, because the oppressed nations Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtuns are awaiting her to fulfill her assigned duty; where the presence of United Nations and other international human rights organizations are so crucial.

He further added, “These lands are under the peril of terrorism; in fact, the threats of of terror and terrorism are not coming from any terrorist organization, actually Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies are directly involved in harbouring terrorism. In such conditions a limited visit to Islamabad would contradict the laws and spirit of the United Nations, and would be a prime example of ignorance and unawareness to the existing issue of the world.”

The spokesman stated that the purpose of the formation of the United Nations was to address the national issues. “The Charter of United Nations is a guarantee to the rights of oppressed nations, but in today’s world the arrogance of big powers has created so many crises; where atrocities on small nations remain unnoticed to the United Nations. If the president of the United Nations General Assembly, Maria Espinosa contents on the briefing of Islamabad in the tight security zone, and ignores the issue of Balochistan, then she would not do justice on any topic to her position and designation.”

He cautioned, “And the humanitarian crises of Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtun would remain a black spot on her career forever, and keep it recalling that member of international organization in her prestigious position, instead of supporting the oppressed nations, she tilted in favour of the state sponsored narratives, such act would end up the faith of oppressed and persecuted nations on the United Nations.”

The spokesman of Baloch National Movement said, Pakistan has been treating Balochistan as its colony for last seventy one years. Five military operations and naked aggression in this duration have sucked off the every means of life to the people of Balochistan. Baloch nation is being exploited on educational, economic, political and cultural grounds. The fifth military operation has entered in to twentieth year, which had begun with the Musharraf regime. In these twenty years more than forty thousand are enforced disappeared, more than ten thousand were killed and approximately a million are forced to migrate who are living a miserable life as internally displaced peoples (IDPs). All the missing persons are concentrated in Pakistani torture cells and in this regard, we have several times submitted our reports. Aftab Ahmed Sherpao, then the Interior Minister of Musharraf era had admitted the arrest of four thousand Baloch. During the chief Ministership of Sanaullah Zahri and Dr. Abdul Malik, the home minister of Balochistan, Sarfaraz Bugti in the month of August 2016 confirmed that in the intelligence agencies have picked up 13575 people from Balochistan under National Action Plan, and in December 2015 the provincial home secretary Akbar Hussain Durrani admitted that ( ) more than 9000 citizens were picked up by Pakistani law enforcement agencies during military operation in different parts of Balochistan. Let alone other, only these numbers are more than 27000 which are missing till now and none of them is released or brought in any court of the country.

The spokesman stated, “If such war crimes remain unnoticed to the United Nations and other international bodies, it will be a great cause of disheartening; we appeal to President of the United Nations General Assembly, Maria Fernanda Espinosa that she should do justice to her designation by visiting Balochistan and try to understand the ground realities; she can enkindle a light of hope in the hearts of the Baloch missing persons’ families. In this respect, we demand in order to balm the wounds of Baloch nation. Pakistan to be held accountable for its war crimes and crimes against against humanity in Balochistan. Un and world powers must support us for the national struggle of a free Balochistan by following the charter of the United Nations which is legal and birth right of Baloch nation.”

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The Information and Cultural Secretary of BNM is the party's spokesperson and is responsible for the party's publicity and issuing of statements.
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